Welcome to the 2010 Challenge, transform your body, transform your life!








119 Responses to “Welcome to the 2010 Challenge, transform your body, transform your life!”

  1. irene bligh Says:

    have got a buddy and no picture.
    will do my best to stick to the programme

  2. Wayne B Says:

    Hi, This will be interesting to see what one will achieve over the six weeks. Looking forward to the challange.

  3. Duane Dice Says:

    Hi, looking forward to the next six weeks if it is as good as it has been up to now then it should be great

  4. Robyn C Says:

    I am excited about the challenge and have to take a photo too- tried to get a buddy but no luck but at least having others in the challenge will be helpful! Sorry do not have my own website. Am determined to achieve success for life!

    • Sarah Says:

      Hi Robyn,

      I would be more than happy to be your extra support throughout this challenge, I know it’s not face to face but would be happy to chat via emails and offer support and encouragement, sometimes its that little extra that can make the difference. Good luck in the challenge.

  5. Gayle G Says:

    Originally did really well but fell off the wagon over Christmas. Busting out of my clothes again. Definitely ready for a new challenge – looking forward to getting back on track. I know I can do this…

  6. jennifer Says:

    looking forwar to the challengs. good luck everyone

  7. Rach Says:

    I am so keen. my brain cannnot say anymore when i lose my weight.
    I NOW have complete ownership of my body and I am blowing my weight out of the water striving everyday with mini goals. The challenge is to just add the sprint in the marathon.
    6 week big picture.
    1) weigh less then 82kg
    2) increase veg and salad on Jump Start DAYS
    3) weight JS nuts beginning of week small bags
    4) continue BT lunch rule of sticking to the bulk of one main veg for the week changing veg each week
    5) 10,000 steps
    6) black coffee b4 bands

  8. Belinda Says:

    Hi guys,
    I only signed up for BT on Sat and today I ordered my BS. Here’s hoping it all arrives by the end of the week.
    I’m using this challenge to jump start my 14kg weight-loss that I’ve been procrastinating over for 3 years!
    Within 6 weeks I will have lost 6kg of body fat. To achieve this I will
    1) wear a pedometer each day to ensure 10000 steps. I’m sure I would only do 2000 at the moment!
    2) Increase vegetable intake and decrease the size of my meals
    3) Bodysculpt workout 3 times per week
    4) Whatever else is in the BT and BS programmes that I need to do!!!

    6 weeks, only 42 days….. I can’t wait to see the results.

  9. Douglas Prior Says:

    It will take hard work and discipline but the rewards will make it all worthwhile. I’ve always wanted to be slim, toned and fit looking, but have lacked motivation and self discipline. I want to lose at least 7 kilos of body fat, tone up, and lose the gut and “man boobs”. I think achieving this would give me a lot more self confidence.

  10. jenny Says:

    Hi Everybody,
    I joined BT on Sept 7th 09 so far i have lost 16kg and feeling great its the lightest that ive been for 20 years i feel so good. The life style change has been very easy to adapt to. I have a good friend that has lost 23 kg so we give each other lots of encouragement its awesome I love buying clothes havent done that ever.
    Im looking forward to the 6 weeks challenge bring it on .Good luck everyone

  11. Mauricio Gomez Says:

    Making this step has been a step that has eluded me or i have chosen to elude it returning to old habits that have not served a positive and constructive existence.
    I will make a huge shift in my mind by using the tools that have been given to me by Geoff and the team, i will apply them with resilience and fortitude until i can complete and achieve a profound transformation in my life.
    1) 6 kg of fat….gone if more…bonus
    2)create a consistency in eating habits which in turn will enable me to create discipline.
    3)walk required movement….
    4)Use resistance bands accordingly….
    5)move from a procrastinating space to a place of vitality and inner health….which carries onto outer physique transformation.

    I would like to wish every single individual the best of mental and physical endurance and consistency and may everybody achieve their desired outcomes……

  12. Victoria S Says:

    I have the product and now it is time to start applying Geoff’s principle. I will plan to succeed not plan to fail. I look forward to pasting the new me on the site when the 6 week challange is over. Good luck to every one may we all share our success.

  13. Edith Says:

    Hi Everyone,
    Yes I am looking forward to this next 6 weeks. I am competitive by nature. Feeling a bit low at the moment though, out of work and doing the whole job search and interviews at 43yrs of age. I probably need to watch my meal sizes and the one day off, the evenings are the worst -and not merge inti 2-3 days! I need to measure what I drink as I could do better there. Most of all looking forward to the professional mentoring and interaction. Still have 30 kg to go.
    Chookers you go do it!!!

  14. Edith Says:

    Comment to Wayne B. I am curious, are you one of my relos?

  15. Michele McGill Says:

    Have ordered BS but not arrived. Looking forward to starting to lose the 15kg I have put on in the last 7 years. No more excuses!!!!! Eat properly, resist temptation, exercise regularly. I WILL do this!

  16. Karen Says:

    My goal is to get back into BT and to start BodySculpt.

    I would like to lose 10kgs in the six weeks but want to focus more on the difference in the before and after photo.

    I have put on about 12-13 kgs of the 23 kgs weight I lost with BT, this challenge has given me the motivation to do it.

  17. Aliza Says:

    I have used the product before, as with Gayle i had a massive blow out at christmas. After buying some nice clothing that fitted before my 4 week holiday, I am now unable to wear them. Looking forward to feeling less constricted within myself. Good luck to everyone, I look forward to sharing the before and after shots.

  18. Joanne Says:

    I am having an operation (Inner Ear) the 10th of March. As I am obese, I would like to loose at least 10Kg during the 6 week challenge. But most of all I would dearly love & need to learn how to keep my weight off for life. I gave up smoking over four years ago & i guess really I swapped 1 addiction for another now being food. I enjoy the way I feel after exercise & I love not feeling bloated from carbs. I just need alot of help with making this way of eating a way of life consistantly. I weigh 148Kg & my Goal is 70Kg. 10% of my body weight off before I have my operation would be seriously beneficial to my overall wellbeing. I feel this would also help with not feeling so anxious prior to the operation. I have not received body sculpt as yet, however, really looking forward to it. My best wishes to everyone!

    • Lucy Says:

      Hi Joanne

      Want to be BodyTrim challenge buddies we have a similar weight and the same goal so we can motivate each other! I’m 28 female in sydney Let me know if you are interested 🙂

      Cant wait for the challenge!

      • Joanne Says:

        Hello Lucy.
        I would welcome a Bodytrim challenge buddie. having a similar weight & goal, I agree, will be very motivational. Where do we go from here?

      • Lucy Says:

        Ho Joanne

        I don’t how how to contact you outside of this forum so email me at lucylamont@hotmail.com

        Please know one else email unless you are Geoff or also in the +130kg range! LOL


  19. Mark Says:

    I am a genuine 110.4 KG as of this morning my goal is 85 KG’s. In the next 6 weeks I hope to lose 12 KG’s or more.

    I lost about 8 KG’s on BT before but put it and more back on. I love a challenge and want the $5K

    • Tony Curl Says:

      Mark, You have similar stats to when I started BT last February and our goals are the same. Good Luck Stay committed and you will achieve.


  20. Jane Says:

    Hi all I am also new to the programme but loving it already. Only 1 week in but for the first time in years I feel I have some control and no longer feel confused. Having reached 80 KG’s again and being five foot nothing it’s time to finally lose the roly poly look and get my life under control. I also want to stop taking BP medication and avoid being a type2 diabetes victim. So on with the challenge and lets face it we will all be winners as we travel this journey together. Any one needing a buddy please let me know as I would love to team up with you. Going to UK for hols in June and want to blow my family away but most of all I want to be healthy and feel good about me.

  21. Tamster The Hamster Says:

    I would just like to wish everyone the very best of luck. I don think any of us NEED the money more than we need to lose the weight and whilst I do not know any of you, I am so very proud of each and every one of you for taking this step.

    I have been on BT for approx eight weeks now and am waiting to pick up my BS from the post office in the morning (public holiday could not have come at a worse time, LOL), so if anyone needs any extra support or motivation throughout this journey, please do not hesitate to contact me. I dont want anyone feeling as though they have to go it alone.

    May our stomach’s be full with our plates half empty! xx

  22. Lexxie Couper Says:

    Am I allowed to say I’m nervous?

    I have tried sooo many different weight loss programs and have had pretty much failed them all. I can’t blame anyone but myself for this. Two weeks before Christmas I started BT (starting weight 84.5 kgs, a stupidly horrible weight for someone only 5ft 3). I’ve lost SIX kilos so far, including 500gms over Christmas. I feel so positive about my future health now and feel like I’m finally on the right track.

    HOWEVER, I am notorious for giving up when things start to get a little tough. This morning I stepped on the scales to discover I’d gained 1kg and my first reaction was, God, may as well go eat a packet of Tim Tams (my biggest weakness). I didn’t, but man, did I feel sick in the stomach that I’d automatically fallen back into that way of thinking. The BS Challenge is – for me – the opportunity to prove to myself I CAN DO IT!! I CAN BE IN CONTROL OF MY BODY!

    But I am nervous. Very nervous. I am lazy and will allow the weakest excuses to stop me exercising. Even making my 10,000 steps has been a tricky thing. I am determined to do this. By order of my GP I need to lose 20 kgs. By order of my own heart, I need to lose the weight so I can believe in myself again. I’m ready to challenge myself. I’m ready to prove to myself I can do this. But I’m nervous. Trying to find a buddy, but so far no luck. Anyone out there think they can put up with me? Anyone? Anyone? LOL

    (By the way, please excuse the babbling. I’m a writer so I babble alot, especially when nervous. Sorry)

    • Jo Says:

      Hi Lexxie,
      I Had to laugh when I read your blog. I can relate to the laziness:(. I think alot of my problems are between my ears!!! I can talk myself into or out of eating or doing something?>I`m either really really good or REALLY bad with my eating! How did you go on your 1st day of the challenge?? I wish you well! Let me know how you go. Cheers Jo C

  23. Jane Says:

    Hi Lexxie

    Jane here I could have been reading about myself. Also a “recovering weight loser/gainer ” so if you need a buddy how about we team up as I am also going it alone. Our weights and heights are pretty similar and sounds like you have a sense of humour (always helps). Lets do this and get on with having a life

    • Lexxie Couper Says:

      Done! 🙂 Err… how do we contact each other off BS blogs?

    • Sandii Says:

      Hi Lexxie and Jane,
      I think we can all relate to that feeling of “yeah I’ve lost weight, I’ll celebrate by eating something yummy” then continue to eat the whole packet (I love tim tams too). I wish you both every success and hope that you get to the goals that you want. I’ve yet to find a buddy too, but my husband is supporting me the best he can – by not laughing at me exercising!

  24. Jane Says:

    That’s great but not sure unless we are ok to exchange email addresses. is that ok or breaking any rules, maybe some of the trimmers in the know can advise

  25. Judi Says:

    Need a buddy for the challenge!! Anyone out there still looking for one??

    • Marian Says:

      I’m new to the whole BT experience. My doctor scared me by telling me he wants me to have a tummy band. I said no I can do it, I managed to lose 10kg on my own but no more. That was nearly 12 months ago. I started BT & lost 6kg the first week. I now weigh 125kg and have made my first goal 89kg as that was the lowest I’ve ever been.
      If you want me for a buddy I really an serious about losing the weight.

      • Peg Says:

        Good on you I am looking for a buddy Marion if you want to contact me.We can do this.

      • Kathleen Says:

        Hi i need a buddy too
        Just started this week at about 110kg
        Marion and peg if you want to contact me
        We all can support and motivate each other.

  26. Maureen Sampson Says:

    GONNA do it! Gonna DO it! Gonna do IT..

  27. Jane Says:

    Thanks Sandii great to hear from you. Guess we are all buddies really helping each other along. My husband also being very supportive but have to show him I mean it this time as he has heard it just once or twice before!!! Just weighed in after my first week and lost 3.4 KG’s so feeling very positive.

  28. Shirley Says:

    Looking forward to getting started on BodySculpt.
    I was over 115kg (not sure exactly what I got to because I stopped weighing myself) I lost 26kg on BodyTrim 12 months ago. I maintained that weight loss for nearly 12 months but unfortunately over the past 2 months I lost my way and gained 7 kgs. I’m now ready to take the next step and finally reach my goal weight of 70kgs. I’d like to get lower than that one day but for now 70kg will do me just fine!
    This challenge is going to be the kick in the butt I need to get going again! My hubby is also doing it with me so he will be a great support.
    Good luck to everyone! I wish you all the very best of luck!!

  29. Danielle Gartland Says:

    I am looking forward to transforming my body in the next 6 weeks. I am saying goodbye to the old me, to the person I have trouble looking at in the mirror. There is no looking back!

  30. Glen Says:

    Hi Everyone,
    2010, WILL, be a fantastic year for everybody.i’m not doing the challenge for the money, i’m doing it for me, look after number 1, as they say.
    i all ways thrive for a challenge, because the results are all ways worth it if you try your very best.

  31. catalina Says:

    Hi Everyone,
    I am so looking forward to the challenge not the money its been awhile
    since I gave my self any challenges that I am so excited going home today to take my photo so here we go 2010 no going back.

  32. Jane Says:

    Hi Lexxie

    Still in need of a buddy you can contact me direct on pinkdiamond2109@gmail.com

  33. Meredith McNicol Says:

    Hey BT/BS family,
    its great to read all the positive attitudes you have towards embarking on the next step of your journeys. I am happy to buddy with anyone who needs some support, even though I am not doing this challenge, due to having my gall bladder out last monday. I have gone from 106.6 to 72 kgs (I am 5’4″) since last March on BT, and maintained it over the silly season. BT has changed my life, my health and most importantly my opinion of my self. I now feel good and look good, and when we believe in ourselves, we can do ANYTHING! I am looking forward to getting into BS in a month or so, and I am sure I will learn from all of you while I cheer you from the sidelines.

  34. Tamster The Hamster Says:

    NOOOooooooo, I finally picked up my body sculpt yesterday….was so excited about it, dying to use it and then a pulled a muscle in my back yesterday….. NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo, you will not beat me…. I’m taking back my life! HA!

  35. Laraine Says:

    Hi everyone, I have just received my challenge info, and I am really looking forward too this. I just hope I can keep positive and not let myself down. I don’t have a buddy but I will be reading all your emails and I know that all of us will be their for each other. So.. here we go lots of weight too be be lost and oh what a beautiful body we shall have. Good Luck everyone

  36. Hollie Says:

    Hi all,

    Good Luck to everyone in the challenge. I hope we are all successful in shedding those unwanted kilos. I’ll be finally taking my Bodysculpt out of its box to put it to good use. 🙂

  37. Peg Says:

    Hi Challengers good luck to everyone.I am so looking forward to this for myself and for everyone I love in my life.BRING IT ON!!!!!!

  38. Nicola Minehan Says:

    At 48, with type 2 diabetes (insulin dependant), high blood pressure & bad knees, I decided Body trim sounded great for me. Changed my train of thought and walked while the kids were at their sports practices, but somehow a stressful interval in my life changed my priorities and it all fell apart. So, 2010 is going to be my year… while I don’t have a buddy, your comments have motivated me to accept the challenge, and a clean bill of health yesterday has set me up to eventually loose 25-30 kgs I’d love to drop. I have a supportive husband, but he’s happy with me as I am, so I really want to show him he can be proud of me as well as happy. Good luck everyone…

  39. Suzanne Says:

    Hi guys
    The decision’s been made – Monday here we come! The ‘me’ I remember is going to be seen again in 2010!
    My second child starts school in May, so the excuse in my head of ‘well I’ve just had kids’ is no longer valid, action needs to taken – and I’m getting quite excited.
    If someone similar would like to keep in touch via email then let me know 🙂 I’m in NZ, about 74kg and aiming for low 60s.
    Can’t wait for my BS to arrive as am looking forward to some good resistance work – that should scare any flab away!
    Really excited to be able to follow all your successes.

  40. Meredith McNicol Says:

    Hi Nicola,
    I would be happy to be your buddy, we are the same age, and I too had high blood pressure, bad knees and was heading for Diabetes, before Bodytrim helped me change my life. My husband was also happy with the way I was, and used to “reward” me with chocolates. He has now finally got it, and instead bought me two green tree frogs as a reward for my exam results! Let me know if I can help you with this challenge.

  41. Lisa Jones Says:


    Can only send me the link to the Welcome Page as referred to below, I am having troubles finding the link.

    Submit your photos and 2010 Challenge submission by the email link provided on the Welcome page on the BLOG or submit to Bodytrim by post no later than 5pm March 9th,
    2010 (see rules & regulations).

    Eagerly awaiting anyone’s help

    Thanks Lisa

  42. Adele Says:

    I’m very much looking forward to getting stuck into this! No more excuses – we are a group with lots of positive energy to share with each other, here’s our opportunity to really make a difference.
    I had a crap year last year, and this year is going to be the best – and this starts with feeling fantastic about myself and being happy from within. This in turn, makes the reflection in the mirror something to be proud of!
    Bring it on I say!
    My goal is to lose 10kgs by April 22.
    Good luck everyone (and take that photo!)

  43. Tracey Says:

    Getting photo today and hoping to get into the 80’s by the end of the challenge 96.5 today

  44. Tamster The Hamster Says:

    Hi guys, I am inspired after reading all of your comments, but I am also a little bit sad for all the people who are still buddy-less. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like support! You can never have too many friends and I go by the age old saying that a joy shared is a joy doubled and a burden shared is a burden halved.

    I think if we can all band together as one big supportive group, then no one will get left behind (as geoff says) as we can all be there to support and encourage each other.

    We deserve a better life!

    Anyone who needs a buddy o pal, contact me on wordslikeforever@hotmail.com

  45. Alli Says:

    Hi Everyone
    hanks for sharing your personal thoughts on the Challenge! I too, am excited about regaining my self-confidence. I have lost 6kgs on BT and have 4 to go! While it sounds like such a small amount of weight…..it seems really hard to get it off!! I am hoping that BS will help me lose the last of this weight.

    I don’t have a buddy yet if anyone is still looking for some support!

    I wish you all the very best on your personal journey and can’t wait to hear of your successes on this challemge.


  46. Chris A Says:

    Hi guys, I am looking forward to the next 6 weeks to really get me motivated. Have started BT a few times since I signed up. Have managed to lose 5kgs and gain 3 back again. I am 60 and weigh 113kgs. In October I will be ‘Mother of the Bride’ for the first time and I would truly love to lose as close to 40kgs as possible by then. I hate having my photo taken and it would really boost my confidence to feel comfortable about it. I would also like to inspire my daughter to lose a few kilos as well.

  47. Tess Says:

    Hi All (again!)
    I do need a buddy….. my family is generally unsupportive when they know I am “actively” trying to loose weight, and so I have tended to keep what I’m doing as quite as possible at home. I do have a friend who is “dieting” she has opted for one of the shake replacement programs, but I would really prefer to have someone experiencing what I am to turn to if at all possible.
    My email is: drtmr@tpg.com.au
    Does anyone know if we need to do a 3 day detox b4 starting the program? I haven’t had a protein only day since before xmas, and suspect I am a little overloaded with CHOs.

  48. Peg Says:

    Good Morning Challengers,Hope everybody is pumped.I have just come off my 3 day protein days and I feel fantastic looking forward to my bodysculpt arriving this week.Kathleen you can contact me at lilycasa@bigpond.net.au.Stay focused!!!!!!!

    • Marian Says:

      Peg & Kathleen sorry I didn’t get back in touch straight away. Had problems with my computer but all fixed now. My email is mirandawds@myway.com. Looking forward to encouraging each other. My bodysculpt has just arrived & will spend time now going through it.

  49. Kris Says:

    Firstly….Good Luck to everyone who is doing the 2010 challenge
    I wrote my goals when i first watched the video.. but decided to post them here.. to put them out in the cyber universe..

    My challenge goals are to
    1) rewatch the DVD’s and read the book in the week preceeding challenge

    2) become lighter at least 4-8kg within challenge. I would like to equate to at least 1 kg per week, however I understand that BSt is more about sculpt/chape/cm than kg…

    3) therfore become smaller in the 6 weeks- take measurements, and photos

    4) make the time to do the resistance bands 3 times per week

    5) make concious effort to complete 10 000 steps, regardless of the other exercise completed.

    6) enjoy the community challenge of the forum


  50. Teresa Says:

    I want to achieve what I have done so before, but I have some how fallen from the wagon so to speak. I want to do my 10 000 steps each day, drink plenty of water and eat every 3 hours as I should. I am going to do my resistance bands 3 times a week also.

    The trouble I have is the eating every 3 hours, I don’t know any good protien snacks and a bit over eggs, ham and bbq chicken.

    So I hope the challenge can help me in some way to be more creative and interested in food. Because if I don’t feel like the basic protien snack I usually don’t eat or have something I shouldn’t.

    Here’s to looking forward to learning even more from Geoff!

    • Meredith McNicol Says:

      Hi Teresa,
      I struggled with the snacks too, and agree that variety is the secret to success. I try not to repeat a snack in any one day, and have a few recipes that might help and some commercially available products that are handy to carry in your bag. Feel free to email me at mctiger318@hotmail.com if you would like details.

    • Mandy C Says:

      Hi Teresa- You could try making up batches of little meatballs (chicken, beef or pork mince- whatever you like) and adding your favourite herbs or seasonings (my faves are chicken with Chinese five spice and chilli flakes or lamb with fresh mint). They are quite economical- mince is relatively cheap.
      Hang in there!

  51. tdawg Says:

    Hi everyone, have had some success with BT, have been and will continue to visualise with feeling everyday where I want to be at the end of the challenge. I’m not so worried about the number of Kgs I want to lose (5 would be good) but more the change of body shape. Have taken photos and measurements and will keep using the resources provided with BS. Will have interstate visitors a couple of times during the challenge so will need to have my days well planned to stay on track. My buddy is very supportive and I will encourage and support her too. I’ll be taking it a day at a time and using my BS diary to keep me accountable! Good luck everyone. Remember “if it is to be, it is up to me”

  52. Jane Says:

    Cannot open link for this week which should be av today, HELP

    • Sonja Says:

      Jane, dont worry either can I. I cant open the blogs either. Looks like it is a problem with the website.

      BTW…I am confused with the application form. It says to submit by 9 March 2010??

  53. debzz Says:

    no i don’t think any of us can until it turns blue .or is there a new email i have not yet received…

  54. Fran Says:


    I’ve been a BT follower from the begining, however start off well and then let life get in the way. I need the motivational support and to be accountalbe to someone!! I know the system works for my body and enjoy the programme. Just don’t seem to keep motivated. let the social life get in the way too much. Find the Free days spiril out of control.


    To put all the knowledge into action.
    Get organised! Plan Ahead.
    10,00 Steps a day (everyday)
    Drink lots of water. (Never been good at).
    Stay FOCUS!!!!

    Need to lose 20+ Kgs. Would like to lose 10 in next 6 weeks.

    Would enjoy support and encourgement from other members. Have walking buddy for two days a week, but like to have contact with other memebers.

    Good luck everyone!

  55. Jacqy Says:

    After a lifetime of growing and shrinking and growing again, I wish BT had been around when I was in my 30s instead of my 60s. But now I’m determined to get those last 5 kilos off (again!) where I know I am more comfortable in my clothes and with myself. I’m finding the water consumption and getting all those steps in a bit of a challenge but will be working particularly hard to make it happen over the next 6 weeks.
    Would love to have a buddy contact if there’s anyone out there. I live in a remote area so can’t always get the food Geoff recommends but am really excited by the extent and variety of the foods included – and I can still be losing weight! Avoiding the temptation of a couple of glasses of wine most nights is my biggest hurdle.
    I’m also really inspired by reading everyone’s comments. As intended, there is nothing like sharing. Good luck to each and every one of you!

  56. Karen Says:


    Your comments are so similar to my experience too.

    Have had great results with BT but I got slack and have put on weight again, so I am looking forward to getting back into it and seeing what BodySculpt can do for me.

    Good luck everyone

  57. Mandy C Says:

    I have been low-carbing for 12 months now- so I know how fantastic & energised this lifestyle makes you feel. But to shift the lard, in find I need Bodysculpt to give me the structure of portion size & meal frequency- that’s what makes so much difference!

    I will be counting my steps & observing the 3 hour rule.
    I am not going to set a “magic number” of kgs to lose- I have found that when eating low carb & doing resistance training, your muscle mass is preserved (unlike old-fashioned starvation diets), so my concept of what constitutes my “ideal weight” has changed.

    I will persevere until I have to take those jeans to the tailor!!

    Good luck everyone- go for it!!!

  58. Lise Says:

    Hey everyone 🙂

    Congrats on taking this step – here’s to a really successful, fun challenge & keeping one another motivated.

    I am buddy-less and would love some encouragement. I’m also finding it hard to know where to start, I came in late on all the info & original emails about the Challenge, as I’ve been away travelling – but I want to get started now TODAY and get into it. Where do I even begin?

    Have had some moderate success with BT and know that if I apply everything fully, that the full success will come.

    Best wishes to you all and I hope to hear from some of you so I can put these words into action.

    Lise 🙂

  59. Bernadette Says:

    I think I did this earlier, but can’t seem to find it, maybe i mixed it up somehow. Anyway, my aim is to stay on the bodysculpt religiously for the next 6 weeks, make it to the 60’s, have my jeans fall of and most of all, be proud of my committment and achievements.

    Good luck all 🙂

  60. Peta Says:

    I am aiming to lose 50+ kilos. I hope to lose up to 3 kgs a week. anything over is a bonus. When I first started bodytrim I lost 7.5kgs in the first week. So I am hoping that I can do the same or better with this challenge!

  61. Camille Says:

    I’m so excited to start this today! I order BS on Tuesday but I am still waiting for it to come in the mail everyday so until them I am just having to stick to my BT program!

    I just had a question about the Official Rules because I am a little confused. It says that ‘”The 2010 Challenge will run from February 1st to March 28th and All entries must be received by 5pm, March 9th, 2010″. However March 9th is only 5 weeks after it has started not 6?
    Is this definately correct?
    Please tell me if I am missing something!

  62. Tui Says:

    Wow!! Reading all these stories are amazing, you think you are the only person who has a problem with dieting, losing weight all the time there are hundreds of us out there with the same problem, fighting the weight battle. I am blown away by the stories that have been written applying myself to each and everyone of them. I am have over weight since I had my first child when I was a young 17 year old and now turning 41 next week I have slowly but surely continuously put on a little bit of weight over the years and weighed 110kg when I started BT. It has been a huge break through after being on other diets and yoyoing around with weight. Since starting BT I have lost 16kg and are now 94kg and it was so easy. I can’t wait to add the next step with BS and see the fast track results and its like Geoff says 2010 is my year. I am looking for a buddy also, do pretty well by myself but other support is very motivating. Good luck with your endeavours everyone!!

  63. Lucija Says:

    I feel like I’m behind already – didn’t receive my first lesson and am now playing catch up. Don’t have a buddy yet but am hoping someone will take pity on me 🙂
    Looking forward to the challenge and some major changes

  64. Tamster The Hamster Says:

    Hi everyone, I have great news for ll those people who are either buddy-less, or also for people like myself who just really love making new friends. I have just set up a facebook group called

    Body Trim and Body Sculpt Buddies

    You can go here as well to meet new people, make buddies, share your stories and motivation and support each other through this journey.

    I ws sad to see so many people trying to go the journey alone, so hopefully this will help us all to network and connect. It is only a new group (I just clicked create five seconds ago) so your support would be appreciated.

    Come on over and say hello, and tell anyone else who is doing BT or BS at the moment! Cheers

  65. Paul Daniel Says:

    Hey Tamster,

    • Tamster The Hamster Says:

      Hi Paul! Thnks for your support. I wasnt sure if people would be interested, but I knew it would help me out a great deal nd I knew there were a lot of people who didnt have buddies so I thought it would be a fantastic way to network, join buddies, make new friends and fight the flab as one big team.

      I firmly believe that you are only as strong as your weakest link. This fcebook group has the ability to keep everyone one of us strong!

  66. Jane Says:

    Hi Tamster great idea using Facebook the more the merrier to help us all along. Nobody needs to go it alone, I couldn’t have asked for a more inspirational bunch of people to keep me on track.

  67. Jane Says:

    Me again Tamster Group not coming up on Facebook search will you send link please

  68. Annie Pannie Says:

    Hi all, I’m still unsure as to what I have to do with this challenge or if I’ve missed the start but guess will find out in the next videos. I am getting married in Oct and would really like to lose 10kg to get me into the 60’s. I have been doing BT on and off for quite a while now. My first attempt I lost about 5 kg (3 in the first 3 protein only days) but each time I go off it I feel like I plateau at 2kg heavier than before. So I’m a bit stuck! Bought BS when it first came out on special but wasn’t really in the right frame of mind or physically up to it (I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which makes it hard to do lots of exercise) but I thought I’d give this challenge a whirl as it might give me a motivational boost. My partner works in another city at the moment so I can’t use him as an excuse for not doing it! Hopefully in 6 weeks he will see a new me (which will then look FABULOUS in a wedding dress – when I find one!). Ok, I’ll stop raving now… maybe see you on Facebook as I don’t have a buddy.

    • Teresa Says:

      Good luck with it all Annie. I lost 5kg on Bodytrim and then hit a plateau too. Got lazy with the protein snacks not knowing what to eat other than deli meat and boiled eggs got a bit boring. If I make a variety of different ones I find it helps me eat the every 3 hours. I don’t have a buddy either and unsure of the challenge. I don’t have too much time to sit at the computer reading everyones blogs but when I do its very interesting. Hope to talk to you again soon to see how you are doing.

  69. marfy Says:

    Starting the challenge on Sunday 7th February! Have not used bodyscupt before. This is a new beginning! Good Sucess to everyone!
    goals: lose 6kg
    exercise according to prog every day
    Get with the strength!

  70. marfy Says:

    CHANGE OF PLANS! I saw my GP and physio and because I have had a total shoulder replacement, and two partial knee replacements am not able to use bodyscupt bands epoc system.
    SO – I am doing the challenge on Bodytrim.
    Goals the same -goals: lose 6kg
    exercise according to prog every day
    Get with the strength!
    A shame but that’s life!

    • Jane Says:

      Just doing bodytrim myself as new to plan and not ready to add body sculpt just yet. Only using the 10,000+ steps each day and also hoping this will be enough to drop the kilo’s. Good luck.

  71. Lisa Says:

    I started on Monday 1 Feb, but as yet haven’t posted my starting details….so here they are.
    Weight – 61.3kg
    Waiste – 77.5cm
    Hips – 90cm
    Chest – 89.5cm
    Thigh – 52cm (I can’t wait till they don’t rub together!!!)
    Butt – 94cm

    ANd I have taken the before photo and went to print it out and the USB connection on my computer decided to play up. SO I am off to the photo shop on Friday to get it printed out – tht will scare them.

    I had an AMAZING EPOC session this morning. Feel totally pumped from it. Have some buddies I am emailing that I have hooked up with from the forum and we are all encouraging each other. The support on offer is amazing. Bring it on. I have some MAJOR fat to lose.

    THanks Geoff and everyone else for the inpsiration.

  72. Jane Says:

    Help again please how do we submit our before photograph

  73. Teresa Says:

    I thought we submit it all at the end?

  74. Debbie Says:

    have started bodysculpt this week, but cannot figure out how to post my photo. can anyone help?

    • LINDA Says:

      Hi Debbie I too can’t seem to work that one out, also do you know when the second e-lesson will be on line thought it was on the Monday but haven’t seen it yet..

  75. Marion Says:

    Got back from a 2 week cruise today so a bit late starting but we have until the 14th right? this has come at a good time for me, not looking forward to weighing tomorrow and will submit starting stats soon.

  76. Jane Says:

    Any body been using Zoe’s recipes, have tried quite a few and loved the Baramundi, chicken with roasted vegetables and the beef and green beans. All very yummy and so easy to prepare.

  77. Criss Says:

    Have started BS ,2 weeks ago & love it , only on blue band, doing 20 & 3 reps, this week steped up to 25 & 3 reps, not losing much wait but energy levels up & can slightly see my fat coming off, even wife says I look more healther & lean.
    I havnt a BS partner , so what to do?.
    Also a chef , & when am working 10 to 13 hrs a day its hard to cook for myself so I can only eat what is around?.
    Iam so looking forward to the chanellage.
    Thanks criss.

  78. Valerie Says:

    Hi am only just getting this. for some reason i missed the info about the challenge and have been confused.
    I still have alot of weight to go and wasn’t sure if this was for me???

    But i will go for 6 weeks starting tomorrow. i want to achieve and get my fat gone!!

    I will find out what I need to do to be in the challenge and do it1!
    I have been doing BS for nearly 2 weeks now.

  79. Valerie Says:

    How do I get a buddy??
    weight 86 k
    chest 100
    abd 101
    hips 111
    thigh 63
    arms 35
    in the 6 weeks i want to get down to 80 kilos, yes!!!
    That’s what I want xx x

  80. Melissa Ped Says:

    Hi Valerie,
    Would love to be your buddy! I don’t have one yet. I have just finished week 3. Let me know if you’re interested.

    Kind Regards

  81. Melissa Ped Says:

    I am 34 and a mother of 4, live on a cattle station in a remote area in North Queensland, have followed BT since March last year and lost 11kg on that still had 17kgs to go before I started this challenge 3 weeks ago now I have 13.1kgs to go. Was hoping someone would like to buddy up with me. Hope you are all doing really well with the challenge and those jeans are starting to fall down!

    Good luck for week 4, Melissa

    • Jane Says:

      Hi Melissa I would be more than happy to buddy up with you. I have only been on BT for 5 weeks and so far all going well. Having been overweight most of my adult life I feel i have finally found an eating plan that suits me and also brings results. We have only been in Australia for 2 years and just moved from QLD to Sydney and don’t really have any family or friends here so it would be great to have another online buddy. Check us out on Facebook too under Bodytrim and Bodysculpt Buddies or email me direct on pinkdiamond2109@gmail.com if you would like to.

  82. Shirley Says:

    Has anyone got wk 5’s motivation prep talk yet? Waiting patiently!!

  83. Camille Says:

    No I’m still waiting patiently as well!

  84. Camille Says:

    Hey I worked it out, the link on this page isn’t working so here is a direct link to week 5 from the email.

    Week 5 Making Progress

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