Week 5 Making Progress


Sometimes progress and success is a tough thing to realize.

This week is all about recognizing your progress to date building on this and refocusing your motivation and focus.

Don’t forget to send through your 200 word submission tell me exactly how your feeling so far, how much your self image has changes, if your self esteem and confidence in your self has increased, how many new ‘buddies’ you have and how the positivity from the 2010 Challenge may have flowed on to other areas or your life.

I will be personally reading everyone of them and will hand pick 5 people to give a one on one 15 minute personal call.

Note: Please don’t forget to include your name and your best contact number with your submission. Best of Luck!

Please click here to send through your 200 word submission


35 Responses to “Week 5 Making Progress”

  1. Fiona Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    I started on Bodytrim Oct 19th 2009. Since then I have lost 14kg and hit my goal. I feel fantastic. Can’t believe in a way how easy the weight has fallen off and how easy it was to do. I have always had trouble with my weight the perfect ‘yo-yo’. For some reason 12 months prior to trying BT I worked tirelessly to loose weight with very little result, I was getting very frustrated and dejected. What I realise know is that I was starving my body by only having 3 healthy meals a day and then trying to do lots of exercise etc. I didn’t need to be that hard – a few little adjustments and I achieved instant results and most importantly my self confidence was back. For the past 6 weeks (I’m one week ahead) I have been following Bodysculpt and are starting to see results. My concern is that because I have been so up and down all my life (43yrs) am I really going to tone up or am I going to have lots of saggy skin?? I think I look amazing in my clothes now but not so sure underneath!!

  2. Jenni Says:

    ready for the last 2 weeks here we go i am looking fwd to them. I am with fiona on the skin. Will we be able to prevent getting saggy skin with BODYSCULPT. let’s go every one 14 days to go..

  3. Trisha Says:

    I cant see week 5 dvd either it keeps freezing?
    Well Geoff I started a few days earlier then the challenge as I was so keen to go again after a dismal effort late last year. So started all engines fired on Jan 27th I had a huge loss first week and changed to BS after week 3 but did’nt like the fact I could’nt have my one day of freedom. So have been doing bands with the BT and as of yesterday 28th Feb I have lost 6.9 kilo’s oh its so nearly 7 it breaks my heart. But I feel terrific, I have much more energy even though my days are starting earlier due to needing to walk then to fit around work, home and child etc. I have even paid to go to gym to use treadmill when its been so heavy with rain so I could get my daily steps in.
    Struggling with the shoulder press but can now do 22 reps but big effort from my first effort of only 10 reps ! I am feeling more confident in myself, have loads of energy and am not so depressed about my self image, thankyou for showing me how to loose weight, and not feel like I could pass out with lack of sustenace like I have in the past with all the diets I have been on over the years of my yoyo dieting. Does it sound silly to say I think I am starting to love myself ? Not in a vain way but I realise I sometimes need to put me first or in the picture and my want and need is to give me back the old me, the slim me I know is still in there.Thanks again and good luck to everyone of this journey.

    • Geoff Jowett Says:

      Hi Trisha,

      Please wait a few minutes for the video to download if it keps freezing. Some people’s internet connects will prevent the video playing straight away so please press pause and let it download then you will be able to watch without any interuptions. hope that helps!

  4. Larissa Says:

    Is there an email address we can send this submission through to? The link is opening up a ‘mail’ application on the computer, however since I don’t have an address through here I can’t access the address we are to send it through to. I use a hotmail address and would love an email address I can send this through to via that one.
    Keep it up everyone – Congratulations on the smallest achievements you have achieved over the last 4 weeks and beyond … every little bit helps!!!

    • Fiona Says:

      Hey Larissa,

      I had that problem too… I use Firefox and discovered I could get it to automatically open to a Gmail or Yahoo mail account but not a Hotmail account (so I just set it for Ymail to see what the template is). If you use IE you may be able to change it to do Hotmail too (I have no idea!). It’s basically an email template that you could cut and paste to a Hotmail address.

    • Lisa Says:

      Hi Larissa,

      I just right click on the link & copy & paste into outlook. It comes up as info@bodytrimsecrets.com

      Give that a go.

    • Larissa Says:

      Thankyou ladies!!! This has helped!

  5. deb.b Says:

    Hi Geoffro,

    Pumped , and super motivated … rock on the the final 2 weeks..

    Grateful !!……is the other word that comes to mind …

    To you and your team and to all my new buddies ….

    I really appreciate all your encouragement and support ….

    🙂 The start of a happy new life style !!

  6. Maggie Says:

    I’m PUMPED and EXCITED more than ever before to really GO HARD & give 110% for the final 2 weeks… I can already testify to a 1-2 dress size loss and am feeling fitter & stronger than ever before! Even when this challenge is over, I’m keeping up Bodysculpt and shairng it with everybody I know!! Thanx Geoff & BT, God bless you all 🙂

  7. Mel Says:

    I feel like I do not want this to end… I hang out for the emails to come thru… I to will keep up the body sculpt and BT when this challenge ends… This is the best thing that has happened in my life in such a long time… I have the confidence to move forward in so many different ways. I am so very grateful to my Mum for steering me in this direction… Mothers know best… Thanks Geoff and Team for a wonderful experience that I do not want to end…

  8. Tracey Says:

    Although I thought I would lose a lot more weight (3.5kg so far in the challenge) I have changed in many ways. there is the changes that people can see and then there are changes that are not so easy to see like standing up for yourself when you don’t like the way you are being treated. In the past I would just stew on it and not say anything but not any more. Last week I not only told a worker from another state I didn’t like the way she treated me but I also told the boss.

    Boy did that feel good and now they know they can’t treat me like that any more!

    Bring on the last two weeks

  9. Shirley Morris Says:

    Have been trying for years to get rid of excess weight and nothing worked till BT. Have so far lost 14 kg and 4 in the last 4 weeks. I have regained my confidence and self esteem so thank you Geoff and team.Will keep going as I would like to loose about 8 more. My daughter is very impressed in my weight loss and is contemplating joining the BT and BS course.
    Once again thenk you Geoff and the BT and BS team

  10. Kay Bernard Says:

    Hi Everyone including my buddy Kayley hope the last 4 weeks have been as great for you all as they have for me. I am now almost 6kgs lighter and have lost 24cms altogether . I feel great in so many ways and have been enjoying the challenge so much. It isn’t always easy sailing, as things crop up in our busy lives but you can so easily get back on track and thats what I love. It will be great to take the next photo and compare and to try the jeans on.
    We have cake day at work every friday and since the challenge I haven’t had cake and I did my turn for everyone else but was good and didn’t have any myself and for me that is huge as I love cake and all those yummy things.
    I’m finding the shoulder presses better on my knees so thanks Geoff.
    Kaylee I hope your week has been a good one and I will look forward to reading your blog when you do it.
    2 weeks to go I am going to miss all that the challenge has brought to my life the past few weeks. Thanks again Geoff and good luck to all and have a great week.

    • Kayley Says:

      Hi Kay,
      Congratulations you are doing so good, fantastic effort on cake Fridays. I dont know if I would have your will power, what a test for you every week.
      I have been doing good but yesterday I discovered a cadbury block of chocolate in the cupboard and that was it. I had some then gave the rest to my husband so I wouldnt eat anymore. I am about to walk to the shops and back to do a small shop so that is 7kms each way so hopefully that will help burn off the chocolate.
      So far I have lost 3.5kg which is good and lost about 20cm.
      My shoulder presser are going good too, but it is still hard getting the last 10 out in every rep, I have even started using one knee. I love doing the workout, my husband even put a bolt in the brick wall for me as it was hard to find a doorway in our house that had the space.
      Anyway I hope you have a great week and stay strong for tomorrow.

  11. TINA Says:


  12. Libby Says:

    Hi Geoff

    I’m totally stoked.

    I started the Body sculpt Challenge and seriously thought here we go again!!

    I have had a lot of interference with 50th Birthdays, my daughters wedding and then a 21st and untold visitors but I have tried my best to be compliant.

    I got my husband to take a photo of me yesterday and just had chance to compare it to my starting photo.

    Obviously I could tell that my clothes were looser but I cannot believe the physical difference.

    It has really motivated me to go harder for the next two weeks.

    I think the three biggest factors that have helped me succeed have been the online forum support from other member, the e lessons and the help of my very skinny husband who has been my challenge buddy.



  13. Mandy C Says:

    Two weeks to go- can’t wait to do a final comparison of my progress photos. Have lost just over 4 kgs- but it feels like more by the fit of my old jeans! Two more weeks to the end of the challenge- my goal is to get under 80kgs by then. Next goal- down to 70kgs! I see the challenge as a starting point- still got a lot of work to do- but I now have the tools to make it happen!
    Rip into it gang!
    Mandy C 😉

  14. Michael Says:

    My wife and I have made 2010 our year of change. Needless to say she is my buddy in this challenge. Because I am grossly overweight, my photo comparison isn’t as stuuning as I would have hoped; but when I take into account my measurements then the difference is magnificent. I am actually a “mini me” of what I was 4 weeks ago. I actually started Bodytrim on 1/1/10 and have lost 13.5kgs in that time. My start date for the challenge was 2/2/10, and sticking to the “Fabulous in February” theme have stuck to BS like paint to a wall. In the 4 weeks of BS, I have lost 10kgs, and a total of 30cms; but even better than that is my blood pressure has gone done from 144/90 to 129/82 and I have a resting pulse rate of 58. Also my BMI has reduced by 3.1
    My wife has also had great results and now my daughter is also come on board.
    At this rate I will reach my goal in half the time I allowed. Thank you Geoff and the team.

    • JM2010 Says:

      Good on ya Michael!! I joined BS with my husband too, and he and I are both going hard on the BS – and we both love it!!! This is the first time that we’ve made a real good go on anything in weight loss, and if it wasn’t for Geoff and his persistent emails and advertising, I would have still been gaining weight. Lucky for me his email came right after I had a bad day at work, so I signed up straight away and pleaded with my hubby to join me. He agreed, and we’re both really happy. It’s great when both hubby and wife are supporting each other. Awesome effort with you losing 13.5 since Jan, and all the cms since the challenge. We’re going to keep on with BS right up until we’re both back to our high school weights. (Or near enough!!) hehe. Good luck for the next two weeks; we still have three to go 🙂

  15. Ursi Says:

    Feeling grate… i choose not to hop on the scales until the end of the challenge … but in saying that im feeling great and my clothes are starting to feel rather baggy on me so i know i am loosing weight… however my challenge does not end until the end of march .. so heres to another fantastic month.. Love reading about everyone’s journeys it is one of the key things that keeps me focused and on track. Thx again Geoff & the team.

  16. Rebecca Caldwell Says:

    Hi Geoff and everyone

    It’s great to see how everyone is doing, I’m actually starting week 3 this week but am doing fine, I didn’t lose any weight last week but I did lose a total of 6.5 cm I feel terrific and have a lot more energy and enjoying the walks not quite at the 10,000 steps a day but getting closer each day. I am also finding the bodysculpt system fantastic to follow

  17. Pink Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    Even though I have only been doing BodySculpt since 25 February I have found my long lost mojo, and how!!! This new regime has lit a fire in my belly and I am enjoying everything about BodySculpt. My weight is dropping (3.1kg from 25/2 to 2/3) and even though its early days for me, my cm’s are dropping as well. BodySculpt is exactly what the doctor ordered. You put everything into this program – blood, sweat, tears and your heart (well, maybe not the blood) and this has spurred me on to give it my best shot.

  18. Paul Daniel Says:

    HI geoff,
    Mate I really need to hear from you on how to deal with NO energy,
    when I delete all carbs.
    I and find the BS regime just doesnt work for me.
    My mobile 0402-302 -897,
    I’d really appreciate a call as I really want to get this right.
    Body trim is the ONLY food plan that has worked for me and believe me
    I’ve done them ALL.


    • JM2010 Says:

      Hi Geoff, me and my hubby are really stoked with BS already. We started week 4 this week, and we’re half way there. There have been a few times when we’ve nearly caved – for example – went to Sushi Bay and ate the seafood – but no rice! How crazy is that – who goes to Sushi Bay on a NO CARBS diet!! haha. Only crazy people like us!! Needless to say; was able to JUST resist the rice, but it was soooooooooo hard!! haha. Kept staring at my 5 year daughter who was eating all the cakes that went by too! haha. We’re planning a “cheat” day after our first six weeks – on the week after our challenge finishes – but I have a strong feeling that even though we have a cheat meal, it will still end up being BS compliant! I don’t even want to do anything to jeopardise my success in weight loss so far!! I was walking to work today and I met one of my colleagues at the lights; she told me I’m shrinking!! haha. (I remember another member who got he same comments too and was known as the shrinking lady! hehe. So now there’s two of us.) haha. Another colleague just stared at me and goes, “you’ve lost weight”. I said thanks, she said “lets go get a cheesecake”. WE used to hit cheesecake shop every week and get a treat for a hectic week. Now I just say “no thanks”! haha. I love BS and everything about it – it’s not only changed my weight size, it’s changed so much more. But yeah, I’ll save that for my submission. Just wanted to pop by and say thanks, and as soon as your RTE meals are back in stock, I’m definitely going to buy some! I’m all goes for trying anything and EVERYTHING you suggest – because it hasn’t done me wrong so far. Good luck everyone for your last two weeks!!!

  19. JM2010 Says:

    Oops, sorry Paul, I think I pasted that as a reply to your comment. But yeah, me and my hubby were CARB fanatics – so if we can do it – you can too!!!! Keep strong, and if you’re lacking energy, black coffee and lots of water. If BT worked for you, I’m sure BS will too. Hold in there and keep strong. Cheers Paul!!

  20. melissa Says:

    We’ve been off line for a couple of weeks while we fixed various computer problems. I had a lot of reading to catch up on today. All those questions and subsequent answers re exercises were great – I had many same queries – thnx to the keen bloggers for that!

    It is such a powerful feeling having control of my eating habits and my weight, lots of energy, and changing such that people actually notice!

    Getting a bit lazy this week with exercise so am inspired by all the progress of BTS ers and will work extra hard for the following time.

    More walking – definately!

  21. Fran Says:

    Feeling Great!! Lost just over 6 kilo in the 4 weeks and over 29cm. I was naughtly an only did my measurments after the first week and a half.

    Its soooo rewarding to have people comment on how well I’m looking or “you Look Different”.
    Geoff I did put on those jeans last week and spent all day hitching them
    up. What a good feelings.
    I have had BT for over twelve months and have been off and on. This challenge has really got me going so strong that i don’t really need to think about it any more I automatically grab my snacks and lunch before leaving the house.
    This has been an amazing motivation for me. Thank You

  22. JM2010 Says:

    Come on folks; there’s usually 100 responses to bloggs by now!! I hope everyone’s going extra hard at losing weight and EPOC and that’s the reason there’s not many bloggs here come Thursday evening. Don’t give up folks; for those of you who have only one 1/2 weeks to go, don’t give up. Can’t wait to see how many are still going after the six weeks. I want to keep using Bodysculpt right through, so will make that my aim until I lose at least 25kgs. Okay, good luck everyone.

  23. Shirley Says:

    There is a problem with the link to wk 5 so that is probably why not as many blogs

  24. Jane Says:

    Only just been able to download mine this morning so off to try and write the 200 words. Having problems with the BT web site as it keeps telling me I am not a member ??? any suggestions

  25. Prue Says:

    Well since taking on the BS challenge I know I have become more aware and able to be BT compliant in the food area. I like the way it is now organised and enjoy my two fat days in the week. Moreover I have now used the BS system consistently sine beginning the challenge and WOW I am very aware of how it has begun to change my shape. Also I have lost 3kgs in this time too. My biggest surprise in I am now sitting in the jeans that were hanging on the door and were too tight at the start of the challenge. This is amazing. I feel invigorated daily especially on the days I have done the BS workout. I really am feeling different in my body and in my mind. This has helped me in my work situation hugely as I deal with people all week and this can become stressful. I also love meeting people who may have not seen me since before xmas and they go WOW!!!
    In total I have been on BT for 12 months now and have lost 38kgs and 5 sizes in my clothes. Thankyou Geoff

  26. Carlie Atkins Says:

    I started the BS challenge at the beginning of Feb and then fell off the wagon – 4 kids under 4 and I struggle to find the time to check emails. But have just read this blog from beginning to end and am so motivated. I started BS again on Wednesday so although I am 4 and a half weeks behind I am going to do it this time. Have written 42 on my fridge door and mirror and am now down to 39 (days to go). Thank you everyone for your positive feedback – you are all so awesome and encouraging.


  27. Annie Says:

    Dear Geoff,

    Just a quick note to thank you for choosing me as one of the five winners of the 1kg packs of TrimShake.

    I really appreciate the chance to try this new product, but I also wanted to thank you for your support and encouragement for all of us on this journey. We definitely feel that you and your team are in our corner, no matter what our circumstances, goals and achievements.

    I’m enjoying steady, but satisfying progress, thanks to the educational approach you’ve chosen. It means so much to me to understand the process, not just follow rules blindly. I feel far more in control and able to cope with the curved balls that life throws us. It’s the difference between having a good set of hiking boots, compass and map, as opposed to being set on a railway track and being derailed with wheels spinning in the air when life doesn’t fit your plans exactly.

    Thanks for the knowledge you’ve shared.

    Kind regards,


  28. Maria Jones Says:

    It’s great to see the pink shirts are back Buddy. Woo hoo! Thanks for all your encouragement. You make us want to be the best we can be. XOX Maria

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