Week 1: Bodytrim & Bodysculpt, 3 phases to success!

Welcome to e-lesson #1 of the 2010 Challenge. February 1st is finally here and it’s time to put the foot on the gas!

Today’s lesson is an important one. I wanted to kick off the 2010 Challenge to put into perspective how you can utilise both Bodytrim and Bodysculpt to give you optimal results for any time throughout your life. You see, I want to not only equip you with the tools to make the most of the next 6 weeks, but also beyond!  

I will be explaining that although there are only 2 systems, there is in fact 3 ways that you can use Bodytrim and Bodysculpt. With these 3 phases you truly have all that you will ever need to transform your body no matter what your goal.

For the 2010 Challenge we strongly suggest that you choose Option 3 – to do both BodySculpt nutrition and BodySculpt exercises as this will fast track results. However, whichever phase you choose though it really is up to you. Remember, it is about consistency and following a phase that fits in with your level of motivation and lifestyle at that specific time.

I also wanted to address a few concerns I’ve noticed on this blog and forums about the Bodysculpt nutrition principles. In fact, not only that I’m also going to explain how using Bodysculpt nutrition you can literally have you lemon cheesecake and eat it too!  Check this out and more in my video and also the link to the new ‘Cheat To Lose’ special report that we have put together.

After watching this weeks video please take ACTION and don’t forget to post!

 Click here to download your copy of ‘Cheat to Lose’

447 Responses to “Week 1: Bodytrim & Bodysculpt, 3 phases to success!”

  1. Geoff Jowett Says:

    What is your favourite food? Don’t forget to blog your favourite food and tell me why you love it, because I’m going to pick a handful of the most popular ones and show you exactly how you will still be able to have these foods while on BodySculpt…
    You will be surprised at how many foods you can have on your JumpStart days!

    My favourite food is:
    A hamburger. I love the mixture of flavours of beef patties, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, onions and of course tomato sauce!

    What’s yours?

    • Shelly Says:

      Creamy Fettuccini and tasmaniam salmon is the absolute best food I could devour… yum yum yummy

    • Gwen Says:

      Favourite food – just love all food EXCEPT CHOOK, the only food that correctly named FOWEL.
      Now to Tasty Favourites Tiramisu flavoured mascarpone, yum. Almond Cream Croissants. Mango’s, all fruit.

    • Rebecca Says:


    • Joanne Says:

      Cheese and Spaghetti Bolognaise…topped with fresh parmesan and garlic bread. I think I could live on these!

      • Leza Says:

        Hi Joanne,

        Yes my favourite food is spag Bog as well. We normally have it every week but I miss out.
        Lets hope he can tell us how we can still have it

    • Karen wentzel Says:

      Cheese and crackers after work.Toast and cream honey in morning

    • AMBER Says:


      • AMBER Says:


      • Angela Says:

        Go Amber, Gooooo !!!!!!!!!!

    • BELINDA Says:


    • katrina macnamara Says:

      Hi Geoff
      I have too many naughty favourites to name but here`s a few:
      * salt n vinegar potato chips – I just love the salty taste
      * supreme pizza – all those different flavours with cheese
      * cake & biscuits- chocolate, always been a chocky freak.(now nibble on sugar free dark chocolate-yum)
      * lollies – doesn’t matter what sort!
      I’m a bad girl i know – no wonder i`ve battled my weight my whole life!
      Oh and I mustn`t forget ice cream and chocolate milk – i love the creamy sweetness of it.Now when i have to have an ice cream I have a “skinny cow” ( no added sugar- only slightly naughty)

    • Rowie Says:


    • Maureen Says:

      Wine cheese and crackers – love the glass of wine on a balmy summer evening in Queesland

      • Larissa Hale Says:

        Hi Maureen,

        Im with you – my favourite relax is a glass of Shiraz with some Danish Fetta, sundried tomatos, marinated olives and chorizo..
        Other than that it would be baked salmon with creamy sundried tomato sauce and steamed asparagus and bok choi. Never been big on sweets more savoury

    • melissa Says:

      I’ve done my 3 days protein, dropped 2 kg and am amazed that I have ceased craving carbs – didn’t think that was possible!!

    • Charz Says:

      Hi Geoff,

      Thanks for putting together this challenge. I am excited about it.

      My favourite food is woodfire pizza.



    • Karen Says:

      Pasta and anything Sweet. Having been doing Body Trim for over 12 months I must say that I very rarely have these cravings.

    • Sandy Says:

      Favourites, hard to narrow it down. I LOVE tofu curry and pad thai noodles. And wine!

    • Janelle Says:

      Definitely ice-cream. Would have it every night of the week if I could. Also choc-chip biscuits dunked in my cup of milo.

    • kim Says:

      Hi Geoff, Chocolate icecream and lasagne are two of my weeknesses.

    • Robert Says:

      Hi Geoff, roast meal with roast spuds. Not that I’ve had them for awhile.

    • Taania Says:

      Hi Geoff, I love bread…….Garlic naan bread, turkish bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar, maori bread still warm from the oven,

  2. Sonja Says:

    Geez Geoff…what a question. What if you have more than one like chocolate, classic hamburger, authentic Italian pizza…I should really stop there!!! How do you deal with that??

  3. Joyce Says:

    ICECREAM!!! I absolutely love the cold, sweet, smooth creaminess of icecream. There is nothing better! Has been my favourite food all my life. I had icecream every single free day on Body Trim and is the thing I will miss the most on BodyScuplt. Well that and potato chips (the crunchy in the packet type).

  4. Maggie Says:

    Anything Chocolate (chocolate bars, ice cream, cake, biscuits, topping etc) …. YUM!!

  5. Heather Says:

    yeah love a good hamburger and pasta with lots of cheese! I really love the sound of the peanut cookies though. I am going to make them tonight because my first jump start day is tomorrow.

  6. debzz Says:

    wow Geoff, you just summed up how iam feel with that jump in the air,
    Hmmm favorite food there are a few..

    Pizza, thin and crispy with the lot , oh ……and cheese cake one of my all time favorites .
    i could probably keep going but best i stop there.. lol

  7. Jamati Says:

    I’m with Joyce on the ice cream … please tell me how i can have it on Bodysculpt!!!

    Also, my husband wants to know what he can use instead of his regular wrap for lunch … he’s really mising the lunchtime carbs!

  8. Lois Says:

    Its great reading all the posts.
    I feel great after doing my Bodysculpt this morning.
    Feel like I’m not in this alone, have lots of company.

    Hello Angela. I feel like you are a kindred soul.

    My favourite food is Roast Dinner, and on a special occasion Cheesecake.

  9. djdave Says:

    I love bread and cakes,doughnuts. jeeez I miss them

  10. Lexxie Couper Says:

    Favourite foods – Tim Tams. There’s something about the combination of sweet soft chocolate cream and crunchy chocolate biscuit that makes my mouth water. I love the way the two textures combine in my mouth. I love how the chocolate cream oozes between the bikkies as I bite into the Tim Tam. I love the way the chocolate coating melts a little under my fingers as I whole them.

    Then of course, there are cashews. I know cashews are allowed in jumpstart days, but I love love love the honey-crusted variety. Even better, the lime and chilli crusted variety. Actually, any variety. If it’s a cashew it’s on my list of favourite foods. Top of the list. If they made cashew Tim Tams I would be in edible heaven. *sigh* There’s a sweet savouriness to the cashew, kinda like a lollie and hot chip rolled into one.

    And to finish, chinese food. Oh, man. Deep fried, coated in batter and savoury-sweet sauce…

  11. allanah Says:

    Hmmm…where should i start ?lol
    Think at KEBABS with chocolate cake or apple pie and cream 🙂

  12. miss annie Says:

    I love hot chips and gravymmm!!!roast chicken dinner,and spagetti bol,all the bad things apple pie and ice cream. thats quite a lot of bad fats .I’ ll stop now and give you a break!!!

  13. Laraine Says:

    Hi, my absolute favourites are Pasta dishes and Hot Jam Donuts the kind sold out of the old buses. There are more but these are the should not haves.
    Oh yeh peanut brittle and twisties and and and ………. so on

  14. Kris Says:

    One favourite main meals is nachos…. lots of spicy mince, on crispy chips, smothered in guacamole, cheese and sour cream.

    And for sweets, i love patries, like apple pie, or even apple and berry crumble with ice cream of course.

  15. Joy Says:

    Hey Geoff,

    I must say unfortunately im a real sweet tooth! I love anything from chocolate to lollies, cakes to cheesecakes., biscuits to slices. I also enjoy eating the odd gourmet pizza with things like spinach, roasted pumpkin, pine puts, fetta & garlic drizzled with a little olive oil! I would love to hear about any recipes you have that i can substitute some of the bad ingredients with some of the better ones! Cheers!

  16. Melissa Ped Says:

    Yum – Pizza, Pizza, Pizza and baked cheesecake. Will have to try the cheesecake recipe when I feel like breaking out. Thanks

  17. Colleen Says:

    Pizza, definitely pizza … Pepperone (tomato base, ham, hot salami, red & green capsicum, cheese with extra chilli and pineapple). I love the slight crispness to the soft outer crust, then the explosion of moist flavours from the pizza. Oh dear … yum … time for my protein snack!!! Oh, darnit … who had to go and mention twisties?!!! … yum again!

  18. violet Says:

    My all time favourite is Chicken Schnitzel with hot chips, gravy & salad. Yummy

    I also like pasta with different sauces, especially Tortellini with Basciola sauce, ooops I think I have spelt Basciola incorrectly.

  19. Teresa Says:

    Potatoes!!! I love mashed, roasted, boiled and especially potato bake. Mmmm It’s so hard dishing up the kids and none on mine or my husband as he is trying to support me. A lot of other foods for sure!!

  20. Danielle Cochrane Says:

    I don’t really have a favourtie food but I do like chicken schnitzel with hot chips and gravy like violet and I do love a plan handburger but the roll MUST be toasted and have sesame seeds on it!! And a really good home made roast lamb with roasted vegies and thick yummy gravy!!

  21. Anne Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Reading Joy’s blog, we must be twins, I love the same things, but am obsessed with not eating them in case they make me fatter

  22. Jane Says:

    Roast potatoes, doughnuts any variety but fresh cream and custard are my favourite and chocolate covered raisins to name but a few. Hey Lexxie wouldn’t say no to a Tim Tam either

  23. michelle Says:

    I do love lots of healthy food – but must admit like a biscuit or something sweet to nibble with my cup of tea or coffee.

  24. Anita Everingham Says:

    I just LOVE my cheese – the smelly blue Tasmanian cheeses are best along with Blue Brie and a nice soft creamy camembert, a nice smoked cheese and of course there are the lovely strong cheddars – OMG I’ve got to stop or I’m out of here….

  25. Desley Andronicos Says:

    Hamburgers or BLT’s. In fact anything containing bread

  26. Janet Says:

    I love crumbed fish and chips with a lime and chilli sauce on the side. Of course a couple of crumbed prawn cutlets go well with this too. I actually don’t like it too greasy though but great fish and chips are hard to go past and always remind me of picnics on the beach!!!

  27. Ezy Says:

    my favourite food is McDonalds – there is nothing I love more than the extra mayo and freshly cocked McChicken burger. Ahh the hot fries and large coke — just to good for a quick meal.

  28. leone Says:

    sweet food is my absolute dowwnfall

  29. Minnie Says:

    My favourite is nibblies….cheese, crackers, dips, pate’….but then out comes the wine! LOL

    • Linda Says:

      O.M.G Minnie, I am with you. My absolute downfall is bikkies and dip with lots of other goodies to go on top of the bikkies as well. Salami, olives, cheese-strong bitey tasty YUM! tomato, Kabana – I could go on and on. The savvy blanc is never far away when I eat this either, naughty but oh so good.

  30. Wendy Tomkins Says:

    My favourite is chicken schnitzel with vegies (including potatoes) and also chinese – love chinese food! Am rather partial to the odd scotch finger biscuit also.

  31. Mary Says:


  32. Ela Says:

    At the moment after not haing my usual toast for breakfast being on the 3 day protein only phase, its toast that I love!!
    But usually yeah chocolate and hot chips…but not together!

  33. helen Says:

    I eat salad in the local hot bread shop, sitting opposite a display case filled with yummy carbs. My favourite downfall is a pineapple doughnut, with iced apple cake coming a close second. I also love great breads. Sigh.

  34. Shelly Says:

    Creamy Fettuccini with tasmanian salmon, I could live on it!! yum yum yummy

  35. Michelle L Says:

    Ummm, I’m not really a big sweet tooth but I do like a bit of chocolate from time to time. My biggest weakness though are savories. Cheese, Salami, crusty bread, olives, potato chips – did I mention I LOVE cheese?

  36. Gail Says:

    Hi – my favourite food without question is Caramel – anything that has Caramel in it.

  37. Lisa Says:

    Hot chips
    Pasta with vegie tomato sauce and cheese
    Chocolate ice cream…..
    I should probably stop now

  38. Phillipa Fong Says:

    Atm i do love hamburgers my work make the best ones but as they know i follow body trim they dont let me have them 😦 lol but i love my curries and rice too mmmmm my fav!!

  39. Lizzie Says:

    I love Sushi Train… I am addicted lolol

  40. Jenniffer Says:

    Good quality dark chocolate………………..

  41. Lara Says:

    Well I do love all the bad things for you, like pizza, doughnuts, hmm, ALL TAKEAWAY.

  42. Kaybe Says:

    My favourite food is deffinately a baked potato with either kidney bean chili or bacon, cheese, coleslaw, beetroot and sour cream

  43. Linda Jackson Says:

    I love pasta and risotto’s, havent had pasta in a long time.

  44. Anita Says:

    I am a cake addict…. Chaocolate, Carrot, cheese, any kind:)

  45. tina clarke Says:

    I have to say that my only weaknesses are pototoes cooked any way and a big glass of wine with my dinner…..

  46. Pauline Warburton Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Is there any way that we can get a written copy of the video as all it seems to do is buffer so can’t get the info.

    Just to let you know I have start using the bands and absolutely love them. It is fantastic to finally find a way of exercising that I really enjoy.
    I have also found an aerobic exercise that is fanastic and that is water aerobics which I have started doing 6 hourly sessions a week the 7th day I jog in the pool for half an hour.

    That with the bands and nutrition is quickly changing my shape and making me feel fantastic – I am 63 years young.
    thanks for every thing

  47. Nita Cummings Says:

    My favourite meal would have to be schnitzel, chips and gravy, followed by lemon cheesecake for dessert and maybe a snack of chocolate. Too much, I know, but so many favourites.

  48. saroja elston Says:

    I like eating my healthy food, but around 3;oo get a craving for picnic bars, not good, so now they have ran out , so will try my hardest not to buy any ,more, if they not in the cupboard , i wont look for them, what do i do when i have sugar cravings..

  49. Debra B Says:

    I love anything with pasta and cream in it , love lasagne and spag Bol fettucini cabronara loaded with cream and chicken , it’s hard to go back to protien only days after a cheat day when there is left overs in the fridge lol

  50. Chris Says:

    Spag Bol….. What a hard one. The other is a variety of cheeses. Good luck including a cheese platter with the works.

  51. Geneve Says:

    I love ice cream at night missing it heaps

  52. Jodie Prestt Says:

    My weakness would have to be ice-cream and Sour Cream & Chilli Chips.

  53. LindyB Says:

    Definately pasta & noodles with yummy sauces.
    I also love yoghurt. And then of course there are lemon slices, chocolate cakes….and the list goes on

  54. Lyn Says:

    Miss pumpkin and sweet potato. Do love the odd hot chip but have really lost the taste for them, almost!

    Also partial to some ice-cream on free day.

  55. Miztaken Says:

    Yum Cha! I can still have the chicken feet, the crispy prawns – and can probably go for the calamari or salt and pepper whitebait (though will have to be controlled as they are dipped in rice flour). I think I can have most dumplings if I remove the rice noodle or wheat flour wraps – damn! my ultimate favourite combination dumpling is OUT (it is in a sweet, rice flour, thick “skin”, deep fried and delicious).

  56. Sheree Says:

    Wow so many foods I like but my real weekness is crispy potato chips and chocolate. Also love pizza and pasta.

  57. Kayley Pollard Says:

    I love Evia yoghurt with Banana and Passionfruit or with muesli.

  58. Kate Says:

    My ultimate favourite food is Chicken Parma…a good pub meal that I have when we go out on occassions.

  59. Nardia Says:

    Love Lasagna and Garlic Bread, when we were growing up we got what we wanted for our birthday tea and this was ALWAYS mine !!!!

    Living in Tassie we have the best spuds !!!! Hubbys best mate is a potato farmer so giving up spuds for me was extremely hard !!

  60. Eddie Says:

    pasta, lasagne

  61. ROSALIND Says:

    Not sure if I should even go there as i just started.BT
    My favourite food chinese (fried rice,deep fried dim sims and spring roles)
    OOPS! TWO MANY but HANG ON I JUST STARTED.Oh! don’t forget the wine…

  62. Carolyn Says:

    I loooove a chocolate
    hot chips
    lemon anything
    lemon sparkling natural drinks
    sourdough bread

  63. Shirley Says:

    CHOCOLATE!!!!! ;o>

    But the thing I love to have on an evening is WINE!!!
    What about Wine Geoff??

    • kate Says:

      I’m with you Shirley,
      I’m curious about the wine…a friend has just given me some bottles…it’s torture just looking at them!

      • Shirley Says:

        I noticed Geoff actually mentions wine on the BodySculpt dvd’s but there’s then no mention of if we can have any..or if we have to leave it for the 6 weeks.
        I thoroughly enjoyed my Free Day on Bodytrim where i could have some wine. I’m going to really miss it if it’s not allowed!! :oS
        ..and if I were you Kate..I’d be putting those wine bottles where you can’t see them for now at least!! lol

  64. Terri Says:

    pasta-lasagna & bread. The good ol carb foods.
    By the way Geoff, Is there an official entry pack that I seem to have missed? I joined up for the challenge from day 1.

  65. AMBER Says:

    i love all fatty foods including well cooked hot chips and lollies

  66. Hollie Says:

    I love chocolate cake. I work for Dominos Pizza and I absolutely love their choc lava cakes, those mini cakes with the gooey insides. It’s so difficult being good when everyday I’m surrounded by food that I can’t eat because they will only make my weight loss go backwards.

  67. Suzanne Says:

    Salty potato crisps + milk chocolate

  68. Bluegirl Says:

    Garlic bread, Roast dinner with the trimmings, followed by chocolate mud cake.
    Don’t actually miss the garlic bread these days, still have roast dinners, mud cake is a special treat.

  69. Tamara Says:

    I love Lasagne and anything pasta. Chinese food even though I haven’t had this for absolutely ages. Pizza the homemade type fresh from the bread maker with lashings of mozzarella. Chocolate to satisfy the sweet tooth and icecream on 47 degree days (like today – but I haven’t had any). Biscuits dunked in coffee and they have to be chocolate. Cake even though I don’t usually eat this anymore it is still a favourite and it has to have some sort of icing. Yorkshire pudding with the Sunday roast – I love the home grown lamb. And also I love corn on the cob complete with a dolop of marg. Sweet potato and pumkin roasted.

  70. Wendy Desbrow Says:

    Mine favourite food would be lasagna and garlic bread. And potatoes done with cream and garlic. However in saying that, I don’t miss these foods as much as I thought I would. Thanks Geoff for the 6 week challenge. Need to lose the 2.5 kgs I put on over the holidays.

  71. Barb Says:

    I love chocolate, Christmas Cake, Christmas Pudding, Trifle, Lollies, Cakes, Slices, Biscuits, Icecream, Milkshakes, Juices, Toffee, Marshmellows, Malt, Cheese, Nuts, Wine, Beer, Spirits McDonalds, Pizza, Potato Wedges with sweet chilli sauce and sour cream, Roast Dinners, there’s heaps more but that’ll do for starters.

  72. Suzanne M Says:

    I Geoff,

    Just printed off the cheat recipes, they will be a lifesaver.
    What I miss most is Icecream, Gelato and more icecream and have ever since I was a toddler. What do you have up your sleeve for all us icecream lovers?

  73. Maureen Says:

    I love fish n chips, KFC

  74. Leanne Says:

    I love love salad wraps!!

  75. Akasha Says:

    Hot chips and chocolate

  76. Vivienne Says:

    OMG Hamburges and hot chips with tomato sauce………..what a question to ask on the first day

  77. Trish Says:

    Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. I’m totally addicted to the point that it calls me when I enter the supermarket. I get an awful feeling in my stomache when I don’t have it. I can’t stop at a small amount. I have to eat the whole family size block.

  78. deanne prest Says:

    l love meat pies,chips and my worst enermy is a bourbon and zero coke.

  79. Yvonne Says:

    Iced coffee with an orange juice chaser – and Peppermint Magnums!

    • Tess Says:

      Are you serious! OJ after an iced coffee? How did you come to try that combination? Does the oj break through the cream and sweetness of the coffee?? I’ll have to give it a try after the challenge. I would never have thought to try them in succession.

    • Lara Says:

      I’m with you on the Iced coffee…..I was addicted to Ice Break coffee milk before starting BodyTrim 2 weeks ago. Now I limit myself to one on my free day. And love the White Chocolate Magnums!!! MMMMMMM

  80. Brendan Says:

    I absolutely love any thing pasta related. LOVE IT but on top of that i also love any kind of asian food as well. Though in saying that to pick the favourite its a very hard thing to do i reckon.

  81. Bec Says:

    Well hard to say…. so many things but i don’t know where to start.
    I love a good old Roast Lamb with all the trimmings and potato chips any kind they are my real weakness….

    Making me hungry just reading everyone’s posts lol

  82. Tracey Says:

    OMG .. that was torture reading all those blogs… yummy!. For me, just about everything has been covered by the blogs above. My favs would be icecream, pasta – lasagne, & hot chips…mmmm. There is probably lots more, but this will do for starters.

  83. judy thomas Says:

    Oh Dear!

    After a year on bt, and on maintenence for quite a while…my favourite food, I dont know!

    Probably the one I cant have!!

    Nah, sweets things, cheese cake, the richer the better!! (guess I’m not cured yet,) chocolate, ‘ego’ magnums,’ crunchie bars’ peppermint crisp bars, easter eggs, creme filled easter eggs. (get the picture!!)hehe

    Oh is this all FOOD!! LOL

  84. Diana Says:

    Potato crisps and red wine……. oh, and chocolate of course, any kind but Tim Tams are hard to resist.

  85. Maureen Sampson Says:

    OMG I’m glad I just had lunch..I like most of the above but I am going to miss my several glasses of red!!

  86. Trish Says:

    I just looooooove CARBS, fresh vegemite sandwiches, pasta, rice, chocolate, cereals, lollies you name it, if its a carb I love it, but it doesnt like me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  87. pat Says:

    Hi Pat Morris here i didn’t recieve the first week thingy at all,so have just read the blog of geoff’s.What are the bands he is talking about and where do you get them??? and what do you do with them.So i have read the cheat is this what we follow for the 6 weeks or just for this week am confused.Please advise sooner than later.
    cheers Pat

  88. Lesley Says:

    I love fruit, especially the summer fruit like grapes. Once I start eating grapes I can’t stop I have to eat the lot.

  89. Margaret Stanley Says:

    I love potato – hot chips, baked potato, packet chips and chocolate. – Basically both sweet and savoury.
    Goodluck everyone!!!
    Nearly one day down

  90. Amanda Says:

    I am craving Barbeque Shapes, miss them more than anything. Have pretty much knocked my carb cravings except this one. Have not gien in yet

  91. Sharon Says:

    what a question ,anything chocolate especially chocolate silk pie ,Pauls is beer and chippies so he is struggling

  92. Kellie Says:

    Home made pizza – yum! Not the crap from the shop. My hubby makes his own dough! Yummmmmm

    Icecream – we have just bought an icecream maker two months ago – now I sit back while the rest of my skinny family eat it!!!

  93. Suzzi Says:

    mmmm…….warm fresh bread from the local backery with butter that melts as it goes on….yum

  94. John Says:

    First is icecream, followed closely by chocolate, the odd sweet biscuit is sadly missed. Can’t wait to see what you can come up with Geoff!

  95. Julie Says:

    A good old meat pie mmm.

  96. Alexandra Says:

    Hi Geoff,

    Day 1 and we talk foods we love, very interesting! 🙂
    Have done the resistance bands today… am fired up although I have to go out to dinner tonight… have already checked menu and will choose steamed trout…am focused!
    I few foods I love… pasta, gnocchi, esp home made rye, sourdough, baguette, ciabatti breads, avocado, dark chocolate and icecream.

  97. Peta Says:

    My danger food is fresh bread with peanut butter and honey. Depending on what frame of mind I am in. Some days if I feel sad etc it is sweet food -If I am stressed it can be savoury. I suppose at least I know that?

  98. Sharon N Says:

    Anything with a creamy texture, hot or cold. Such as icecream or creamy pasta. Love the recipes in “cheat to lose”, will definately being trying out a few of those.

  99. Robyn Halliday Says:

    Hey Geoff
    I don’t know how you are going to deal with this one….on my free day I love having a couple of glasses of ice cold Sauvignon Blanc with a beautiful fresh crisp salad!
    Joyce…. you are my buddy I love icecream too!!

  100. Cheryl Says:

    Hi Geoff

    My favourite meal would be Creamy Garlic Prawns and “rice” and then if I could have mint chocolates for dessert I’d be in heaven.

  101. Lyn Taylor Says:

    I love potatoes, hamburgers and anything chocolate.

  102. Cate Says:

    I must say I am pretty disciplined except when someone puts potato chips in front of me. Any type!! Then it takes all my willpower to resist….And I’m with you Joyce on the ice-cream – Just had a week at the beach and couldn’t go past the mango sorbet and macadamia nut ice-cream…Oh and could we just add a little champagne…Then the program is perfect…

  103. Jacqui Says:

    Fruit as a snack. Have always thought that was healthy fare although never lost weight on it. And red wine…

  104. Carol Elzink Says:

    If I have a choice between this food and any other it is always this food. I start craving it in December when I know it’s only a month away….Muscatel grapes…heaven….unfortnately closely followed by and in order hot jam doughnuts, spag bog and hawaiian pizza, then any kind of cheddar cheese…

  105. John M Says:

    Love the ice cream with “Iced coffee” or Kaluha topping….

    And for something hot, can’t go past a good potato bake with onion, garlic, bacon, cheese etc….

    And as someone else mentioned a good spag bol…..

  106. Hayley Says:

    i love pizza and pastas! and as most people a good burger!

  107. Matt Says:

    gourmet pizza and Tiramisu desert and coffee to boot

  108. sherridan Says:

    Chocolate and potates (the devil) Geoff. They used to be my best friend. haha

  109. Trish Bates Says:

    My desire is white chocolate but I have been known to eat any fat ladden,suggary sweets by the packet full.

  110. Pauline Says:

    My most favourite food is CHOCOLATE MUD CAKE. Come to think of it anything that is chocolate as long as there are no sultanas involved in it.

  111. Danni Says:

    My absolute favourite is seafood so thatsts great! The things I miss are honeysoy Kettle chips. Cheescake is also a favourite of mine …not that I would have it very often. Thin and crispy chiken pizzaalso rates up ther for me!

  112. Maree G Says:

    I have so many favourites. Obviously chocolate, Thai food, ice cream and cake.

  113. MELISSA Says:


  114. Peta Knight Says:

    I would have to say my weakness would have to be pasta and rice. If I could diet on those two foods I would die happy. Must say I have not had any since I started BT last year. Best of luck to every one.

  115. Tanya R Says:

    Pizza, a good glass of red, and icecream or cheescake.

    I am so glad that I have not suffered cravings, I am an emotional eater and being on body trim/sculpt I have felt so positive that it hasn’t been a problem so far (touch Wood, its been 10 weeks so far).

  116. Toni Says:

    Fruit!!!!! Mangoes! Actually most summer fruits! It’s probably the hardest thing for me on this program as I would normally eat 5-6 pieces of fruit a day!!

  117. Lorraine Says:

    I have to agree with icecream, closely followed by fresh bread from the bakery, then baked potatoes – not all together but these are the things I miss

  118. sue Says:

    baked apple pie and icecream

  119. Sanji Says:

    I love chocolate/almond magnums, Caramel pudding, maple syrup cake, hazelnut chocolate and cashews

  120. jason h Says:

    I am not too sure whats going to happen with all this but I don’t have a favourite food but I like most pizza’s at times along with a meat pie or sausage roll and every now and then a cake from the bakery. I guess being a tradesman and walking into milk bars all the time I am more prone to the meat pie or sandwich as there isn’t much choice for protein type foods in milk bars

  121. Adam Davis Says:

    Lasagna would have to be my favourite or hot dogs with sour cream and cheese

  122. jane Says:

    I must say that I am more of a savoury eater – but on the other hand any type of chocolate is hard to beat.
    I am an emotional/stress eater so I am determined not to let these two
    get in my way – I am going to be very positive.

    Good luck every one

  123. Cheryl Ann Says:

    My biggest weakness is fresh white bread with butter and honey. A good lamb roast with baked vegetables and home made gravy. Good quality chocolate and any cake or doughnut witha custard filling.

    • Tess Says:

      I agree!
      was at a meeting tonite- warm white bread rolls and butter were placed within smelling distance, and I was starving and no protein snack in sight….. I just had to have one, then another. They were divine!
      Blew my 3 day detox well and truly…but who cares.
      I also find it hard to resist just toasted white bread, butter and vegemite that I cut into soldiers for my children to eat with soft boiled eggs. Thank heavens the dog also loves it keeps jumping on my leg while I’m preparing and then clearing up the scraps ( he gets them!) ’cause it is a good distraction when he scratches me!

  124. Cath Says:

    Chocolate, chips, red wine with dinner and champagne anytime!

  125. Emily W Says:

    You are legendary Geoff!
    I have a real softspot for Maccas – had to get it last week but I was good and got a Seared Ceasar Salad (no croutons) and I couldnt help but get fries!!!
    And Dark Chocolate mmmmm delicous and my mums risotto!
    I love the recipes in the Cheat2Lose booklet. Chris did a awesome job! I didnt even think of those things.

  126. Lisa Says:

    You have all made me that hungry, I dont’ know where to start!

    Lets see, pasta, rice, lasanga, cheezels, fresh bread with vegemite or tomato, watermelon, grapes and navel oranges and yoghurt.

  127. Luke Says:

    Hi there my favourite foods… hmmm well…
    1. Chicken burgers with mayo and chilli
    2. Chicken snitzel
    have avoided all these over the past couple of weeks although would love to hear a way i could eat them!!

  128. Helen Says:

    I love chocolate and my sister in laws apple pie with cream is to die for. I have just found out that chocolate is probably giving me my headaches so should be easier to avoid it.

    I am an emotional eater and find it extremely easy to “eat my feelings” but from here on in this nearly 53 year old is starting a new journey in being kind to my body.

  129. Megan Says:

    I love a nice glass of wine with my evening meal. I also love chocolate and white chocolate cheesecake and the good old spud…….mmmm

  130. Jennifer Says:

    My favorite food would have to be hot cinnamon donuts, I try very hard to stay away from these

  131. ann Says:

    I love stuffed artichokes and a glass of red. Good quality Italian ice-cream is also hard to beat. Best meal in the world is my Nana’s homemade ravioli.

  132. Douglas Prior Says:

    Snakes and jelly babies!!

  133. Anita Says:

    Before starting BT my favourite was chocolate.
    As time has gone on I have noticed all my craving for it has gone!
    I do however like cheese or cheesecake….yummy! I have just seen the lemon cheesecake in your cheat meals so I will be sure to try that.

    Ok, if I have to settle for one favourite it would be fresh crunchy bread!

    Love all the work you guys do!

  134. Bruce Brown Says:

    Bread; mate I love it…..
    …..A thick slice of fresh multigrain with butter, tomato, salt and a sprinkle of pepper.

  135. Desleigh Says:

    hot chips chicken salad red wine

  136. Karrismum Says:

    can’t get lesson up – what a pity… anyway can’t keep to a strict diet like that – don’t eat meat… will improvise… my fav food – Jalna yoghurt, wine at the end of the day….

  137. Natalie Says:

    My favourite food… Up until recently I would have said chocolate, but gone off it. I like Dominoes Pizza – meatlover – because I don’t have to cook it! I love the toppings and the garlic bread to go with the pizza. I also love chocolate self saucing pudding.

  138. Liz Says:

    I love pies from the bakery with that lovely baked pastry smell, icecream in a cone and kettle chips, plain, plus how could I forget really crunchy potato wedges! and a lovely glass of red wine, glass of good scotch and dessert wines for after dinner…….

  139. Annie Says:

    Fruit! I love the fresh, sweet, juiciness of mangoes, grapes and nectarines, and the taste of bananas…and all the other types of fruit!

  140. Rosemary Shearer Says:

    Lovely dark chocolate cake with dark butter choc icing, & tiramisu

  141. Kate Says:

    Roast chicken, basil sauce, mayo and swiss cheese on lightly toasted turkish bread! Want one now …

  142. Fiona Says:

    Love chocolates, pizza and indian sweets… fruits as well… irresistable.

  143. Brian Stewart Says:

    My favourite foods are unfortunately Potato based and I have indulged during free days quite often.

    1. Hash Browns with my Bacon and Eggs of a Sunday Morning
    2. Hot potato chips, especially from a nearby charcoal chicken shop.

    I have recently wound down by free days in preparation for Jumpstart days and have been without these favourites for a few weeks and am getting used to living without them. DO crave them often though.

  144. Emilie Says:

    My Favourite is Pizza and I like to drink on the free day what can u suggest for that one mmmmmmmm.

  145. Christine Says:

    POTATO CHIPS are a definite favourite for my savoury tooth! What do you think I had last night?!!:) Cappucinos also, can’t remember if we are allowed milk in coffee on Bodysculpt?

  146. faye clarke Says:

    i like sweets and i miss bread and potatoes

  147. JoPR Says:

    Weeellllll where do i start. Chocolate and anything chocolate based! Cake Cake and more cake… and then pizza and fish and chips is always a good finisher!

    I’m STILL waiting on my BS pack to turn up in the mail. all i want to do is get started and i feel a little like i’m falling behind! hope it’s here soon. fingers crossed.

  148. Alanah Says:

    Hi guys, food I especially like, low fat /low sugar icecream and yoghurt, rice and pasta and I do tend to stress eat. I also like multigrain bread and breakfast cereal. How many eggs can you eat as my cholesteral has gone up since putting on weight.

  149. Donna Says:

    Hi Geoff
    My downfall would be slim chicken noodles from Redrock Noodle bar – just to die for when cooked correctly. Worst weakness is good old potato chips. But I will miss my scotch and diet coke (caffeine free of course) or a couple of glasses of wine.
    Good luck everybody!!! Healthy eating.

  150. faye clarke Says:

    i like sweets bread and potatoes ice cream

  151. Annette Says:

    Biscuits are my weakness – any variety, sweet, chocolate, even savoury ones sometimes…
    Therefore, I don’t but them anymore! And it’s not too hard going without them. I do love creamy chicken and mushroom pasta…

  152. Chrissy Says:

    I love pasta – spagetti cabonara – with a glass of white wine.

  153. Maxine Says:

    I also have a very big sweet tooth, anything chocolate, doughnuts, cheesecakes, slices, ice cream, chocolate, lollies, ahh i should stop now, it’s funny how thinking of these things makes me want them… lucky i’ve just finished my resistance bands for today and am pumped to suceed!! Hopefully you will have a sweety cheat for me geoff!! 🙂

  154. Judy Says:

    Chocolate and more chocolate! I love the way it melts in your mouth and the taste on your tongue, be it dark or milk. Fruchocs, Almond Magnum Icecreams and Mint Slice biscuits would have to be my favourite chocolate coated foods.

  155. Penny Says:

    I’m with Megan, I love a nice glass of red at night that goes well with yummy pasta dishes.

  156. Jenny C Says:

    I love fruit. I feel deprived if I cannot have fresh fruit. I succumb to cake, but I can control that. But, I really miss my fruit

  157. Julie Says:

    Oh Geoff where to start. Pizza (hot and spicy) chilli garlic chicken (chinese) mexican, kebabs, cake. I do miss fruit but am getting over that faze. I used to eat alot of pasta but discovered aldi noodles which are 9grams per 100g of carbs so I have been using them on occassion. I’m looking forward to what you can tell us.

  158. Tineke Wallace Says:

    Love multi- grain bread, fruit -especially mangoes and bananas, and ice cream. Used to love the BT way, as you could eat these as your carb serve, or on your free day. Hope I can last 6 weeks without any of these!

  159. Jacinta Goodman Says:

    i guess Im pretty lucky the foods are love are meat, fish and veges especially char grilled but with slathers of garlic aioli!!

  160. JENNY Says:

    I just love fresh bread …. hot fresh bread mmmmm I can smell it now and just taste the thickly spread Butter topped with rasberry jam.
    Can I really have that on a jump start day?

  161. Mellyj Says:

    i would have to say aero mint chocolate……….. dark chocolate, coke zero………garlic chicken royals with crunchy noodle salad……. ooohhh yum

  162. Malcolm Nicol Says:

    Ice Cream, B-B-Q,s and Light Beer Stubbies (3 per night)

  163. Vishal Says:

    Hi Geoff and Chris,

    Fantastic Cheat book very happy with the content, But if you show some trips for some of the Vegetarian friends out there some yummy veggie dishes would be great.

    I specially struggle as I only eat Egg (natural source of animal protein) and thats it.

    I am excited to be part of this challange and looking forward to your weekly lessons.

    Go Vegeans. ……



  164. Carolyn Says:

    love yoghurt savoury muffins and really good wholegrain bread and not forgetting mango’s HELP

  165. Malcolm Nicol Says:

    What I didn,t say above was that I am 68 had open heart surgery 1 year ago followed up by a Stent operation so I am not out to win any contest but weighing 87 kg would like to lose 10 to 15 kg without having to give up my favourites as posted above.

  166. Tina W Says:

    hmmmmmm garlic prawns with rice!!! YUMMMOOOO….

    I cannot find the email to send in the photo on the welcome page either – anyone got any clues there?

  167. Andrea Says:

    Chocolate, cheese and bikkies, a glass of wine… oh, and wedges with sweet chilli and sour cream!!

  168. tdawg Says:

    I have a sweet tooth but not as much these days since starting BT last year but I still love a champagne.

  169. Sami Says:

    I love savoury foods. I really enjoy cheese, crackers, olives, sundried tomatoes and some dip. Once I start I find it very difficult to stop!

  170. Angela Says:

    rice – with stir fry, thai and chinese
    I could just have rice on it’s own.
    My father is a potato farmer…..
    but I still love rice the best.

    Please DONT TELL DAD……. OH
    and of course the wine each night – BIG PROBLEM!!!!

  171. Hilda Says:

    My favourite foods are oysters natural or kilpatrick, I also love pepperoni pizza and a sweet thing or two would have to be Droste Pastilles (dutch chocolate) mmm or jam and cream doughnut fingers yummm !!!!

  172. Trish Newey Says:

    Well were to begin I love all food, love a good wine with cheese and have a sweet tooth for a good cake (mud cake or fruit cake).

  173. Kelly G Says:

    Chocolate, fruit and at the moment, hot cross buns with lots of butter.

  174. Rebecca Says:

    Well chocolate, has to be my all time favourite indulgence food, love the texture, smooth melt in the mouth….mmm.
    Then would have to be chilli chips, yummy crunch, i must admit i do love a good carb meal, pasta or rice as top favourites.
    Lastly a nice glass of wine with dinner on the weekend.. that will do..lol

  175. Gail Says:

    ICECREAM !!!!!!!!!! Icecream …………. and more Ice cream 🙂

  176. Lindy Says:

    cake, cake, cake

  177. Clare Says:

    For me it’s anything Thai (particularly pad see-euw and the red or green curries) and cakes of any description. then there’s alcohol too!

    • Lucija Says:

      I’m with you on that one – just love Thai food but its biscuits with a cuppa instead of cake and of course a good glas of red – ho hum

  178. Deirdre Says:

    Great Desserts including jam steamed pudding, apple crumble and pie, lemon meringue pie, lemon roll, fresh berries drizzled in coulis and chocolate, Haighs chocolate, lemon slices and fresh white bread with oil are some of my favourites on the not the be eaten list !

  179. Gaby D Says:

    chocolate, enough said! 🙂

  180. Michael Says:

    Hey Geoff,

    My absolute favourite is the schnitzel pub meal with big thick chunky chips and mushroom gravy on top.

  181. Leah Says:

    Great idea Geoff but am not sure you can give a heathier ulternative to Chocolate and Ice Cream? I might just have to live without them this 2010 Challenge. Would be a bloody shame though in this hot weather and all, something cool and creamy to slide down the throat.

    Cheers mate.

  182. Alli Says:

    Hi Geoff

    Thanks for the energy in your clips!!

    Fav food is chocolate brownies and icecream with cholcolate sauce. Can’t beat it


  183. iolanda Says:

    I really don’t really know why i am doing this because his list really really not that healthy hehehe

    kfc, mcdonalds, donuts, pasta, noodles, chocolate, hot chips, crisps, apple pie, anything that can be made with a potato

  184. John Fairservice Says:

    I really like barbequed steak with lots of onions and a nice cold light beer. Because I want to keep losing weight until i reach my goal, I have been going without. Hoping to have these on a jump start day!

  185. Nadine Stone Says:

    my favorite thing is to come home on a Friday, sit sown with my husband, have cheese and biscuits and a couple of glasses of wine.

  186. Helena Says:

    Hi Guys, my favourite food or should i say foods are spaghetti bol, chicken parma, pizza, toasted cheese sandwich.s and yogurt and biscuits, seen some of the recipes for biscuits so i will be trying those out so thanks.

  187. kate Says:

    I love a good cold glass of bubbles (or 2)! Followed by an antipasto platter, with olives, semidried tomatoes, an assortment of cheeses, and homemade dips. After that (mmm my mouth is watering…) A big bowl of pasta, no nasi gorang, no rissotto, oh whatever, finished off with chocolate mousse or cheesecake. Please help!!! I miss these meals!

  188. Sue Says:

    My most favourite food is ice cream (oreo McFlurry) mmm yum….
    I am looking forward to this challenge and cant wait to see the new me in 6 weeks 🙂

  189. Wendy Says:

    Oh dear, odd I might be, i really don’t have favorite food but I just simply live on Vita-brits with warm milk for breakfast.

  190. CarlaJ Says:

    Chocolate – 75% or 90% cocoa even better if it has licorice wrapped within it.

  191. Lisa Says:

    Looking forward to checking out the “Cheats Sheet”. I LOVE Darrel Lea Soft eating Licorice. I would love to see that one made compliant. ther’s a challenge. Speaking of challenges….this 6 week challenge is an Awesome idea. So glad so many are being involved and trust we will all make you proud. i love this program and my husband keeps telling me i should be an agent for you. If only more people knew how easy it is to be healthy than maybe Autralian women wouldn’t be at the top of the worlds obesity list (not something we should be proud of). thanks again. i love all that you are doing. you are an inspiration to so many!!!

  192. Leanne Says:

    Hi All,

    My favourite food would be the good old taosted ham, cheese and tomato sandwich when you just can’t be bothered cooking or want something quick and easy. I am looking forward to trying some of the recipes in the Cheat booklet though.

  193. Nicoletta Says:

    Im with Joyce! Ice cream and chips (the crunchy kind) I could eat ice cream for breakfast lunch and dinner. I have tried sorbet but its a poor substitiute : (

  194. Suzi Says:

    mmmmmmm………………..mine would be Thai Red Curry Chicken with Rice

  195. Dianna Says:

    I love hot chips!!!! and chocolate of any sort. The cheat 2 lose booklet has me very excited to try some of the recipes. It’s so good.

  196. Suzi Says:

    P.S. ………………I forgot to mention the wine with the curry!

  197. Carolyn Says:

    Looks like Pizza is very popular! Put that on my list please… you can also add popcorn (with butter and salt of course) Schnitzel, hot chips, home made beer pies….. oh RED WINE! Of course caramello easter eggs are a favourite!

  198. Trisha - Ann Says:

    I love chocolate, anything with chocolate, ice cream, cake, puddings you name it I love it.

  199. Bev Says:

    I have a really bad “sweet tooth”. There are times when I really crave sweets (doesn’t matter what shape or form), but has to be sweet……..lol

  200. Vanessa Says:

    Oohhh theres so many!!
    Pizza – any kind
    Cake – again any kind!
    Custard scrolls from Bakers Delight
    Biscuits – especially any chocolate kind
    Cereal – especially toasted muesli – I can eat it straight out of the packet!!

  201. Sarina Says:

    My favourite foods are chocolate, licorice, pasta/rice, bread …. and the list can go on and on!

  202. Pagey Says:

    I’m like so many others here. Pizza, Hamburgers, Cheescake, chicken schnitzel, but my all time favourite is KFC twister and chips.

  203. Rachel Says:

    My favourites are:-

    – PIZZA
    – PASTA (Cream sauce with bacon & mushroom)
    – BIG MAC’s
    – NACHOS


  204. Rita Says:

    I love creamy rice pudding, fish n chips, any fresh bread especially garlic bread and naan bread with a yummy rogan josh or butter chicken curry.

  205. KRISTY Says:

    hey geoff,

    Chocolate any sort or form and pasta!! Yummy!!!

  206. KerryS Says:

    My weakness is sweets especially after dinner or mid afternoon with your hot cuppa. Sweets would range from lollies, chocolate, cake, biscuits. To make it worse I work in a bakery!!! with all of this in my face all the time! I try really hard not to get tempted to try things out at work and always have some turkey or can of tuna with me for any hungry moments.

  207. Tania Says:

    Hmmm … sticky date pudding comes to mind at the moment or a delicious mango sorbet.

  208. jaime Says:

    C.H.O.C.O.L.A.T.E I lurrrrrrrrrrrvvvvvvvvvvvvv it, and just when I think i’ve done good by not having any in 2-3days, then it gets too much and I gorge myself on it on the 4th day and have to excercise harder. I know im not working off all that i’ve eaten, but i have no self control with only eating a little bit!

    Theres heaps of other crap I love, but choccies definitley have to be my biggest vice 😦

  209. Judy F Says:

    Dark chocolate and Macca’s ice cream.

  210. esther cawthorn Says:

    oh it’s bbq shapes for me. i crave them at night when the kids are all in bed and i’m relaxing.

  211. Kirsty Says:

    I dont have a sweet tooth but I love potato and tomato based pasta.. not creamy… mmmm

  212. katie Says:

    really love nachos and mashed pototos cakes muffins and slices

    • Jacqui Challen Says:

      Go katie !!
      My dad ( your Poppa) used to work in a bakery, and bring home warm bread from the oven…… plus love pasta and thai curries with rice, and prawn pad thai. I miss something sweet to have after dinner with my cuppa too.

  213. Pamela Says:

    I Love fruit. Now how can I have a piece of fruit and still be on body sculpt. I wondered if more sour fruit like grapefruit might be OK?

  214. Danielle Says:

    Geoff, Geoff, Geoff why did you open such flood gates!

    All foods involving Potatoes!
    All foods involving Chocolate! (I swear I have a chocolate gene)
    Hungry Jacks Bacon Deluxe Burger + Fries + Coke

    There, I think that’s covered it. ;oD

  215. Lucija Says:

    Oh dear I think I’m a foodaholic – so many favourites
    Cheese – any kind
    Chocolate – ditto
    Chips – packet/thin sliced
    Potatoes – any which way
    Red wine – sometimes beer
    Anything with chilli in it
    Rye bread

  216. Geoffro Says:

    I really love apricot chicken and a big mac. Not together though. My other weakness is Smiths cheese and onion chips. If they are on special at the supermarket I find them very hard to walk past.

  217. Paul Says:

    Gday Geoff, your work is AWESOME thank you,
    Craves carbs even after a 3 day detox,
    Favourite fix is Fruit Mince slices or a moist mud cake ARrrrrgh
    but craves sweet stuff lots.

  218. Rick Skinner Says:

    spagetti bol & kfc wicked wings love em!
    love meat but dislike tomatoes & tuna need to try mixing tuna with somthing to hide the smell while swallowing any ideas ?
    miss bread a bit
    still loving body trim started on 2/01/2010 & lost 10 kilos in 30 days
    feeling great not bloated like before
    going to tighten up the gut overhang and lose another 10kilos in 6 weeks looking forward to the tranformation

  219. Zee Says:

    Hey Geoff your awesomee…my weakness is Subway cookies….weird but they’re so delicious!

  220. Barbara Says:

    Favourite foods… where do I start?

    Dark Chocolate
    Peanut butter and banana on toast
    Banana Bread
    Gourmet Pizza
    Wedges with Sweet Chilli Sauce and Sour Cream
    Wine & Cheese

    I better stop or I will be here all night… ;P

  221. BELINDA Says:

    i love scotch and water and plenty of! My biggest problem.

  222. Annadl Says:

    Lasagna, potatoes, ice-cream & yoghurt. Oh, and fruit.
    The occasional protein shake satisfies my choc cravings which has decreased lately. Oops, I think I was only supposed to write 1….

  223. Paula Says:

    A biscuit with my coffee, chocolate and icecream

  224. Marian Says:

    All of the above. I’ve always loved trying new foods with their different tastes & textures. I’ve always thought it a curse not to be a fussy eater.

  225. Chris A Says:

    Hi Everyone,
    Favourite foods;
    Warm fresh homemade bread
    Fruit, mostly bananas, peaches,nectarines etc.

  226. Kingsley Says:

    Roast lamb and three Veg Love food in general Eat what ever is in front of me.

  227. John Says:

    Well unfortunately, there are many on the list. I guess that’s why I am a BT member. But I have to say my real weakness is pastries, both savory and sweet, particularly curry pies, sausage rolls and custard tarts.

  228. Heather Says:

    Chinese food. The flavors are so aromatic and delish! and lots of fruit, I crave the sweetness of grapes, bananas and apples…

  229. Lynn Says:

    Lasagne , any other pasta dishes , varying dishes on a bed of creamy mashed potato ( which seems to be a very popular restaurant choice these days ). Chocolate ( of course ),drumsticks and cornettos . Sticky date pudding and the odd meat pie (Mrs macs is a favourite).

  230. Maria Says:

    Mmmmm Love my pasta, ice cream & cheesecake.

  231. JM2010 Says:

    Morning. I’m going to start my challenge next Monday. I’m still reading through the pack. BUT…..my favourite food would be chicken….from KFC. Fat, I know, but I wouldn’t be doing this challenge if carrots were my facourite food eh. haha. But….I too love a good double bacon cheese burger, or stir-fry with steamed rice. AND BREAD is another major. That will be the hardest carb to give up for me…..Good luck to those who have started already!!!!!

  232. Marina Milosev Says:

    I have been unable to view the video. I always get the message that it is not available. I only have access to this via my work laptop which could be the reason. Am I able to receive the lessons in written format?
    Many thanks

  233. Mandy Says:

    I love pasta and bread with a glass of wine goes down well

  234. Kate A Says:

    Only received my BodySculpt late last week. What is the KickStart – I seem to have missed that one. My fave foods are many but include pizza (of course) and risotto.

  235. Jane Says:

    Like everyone else – pizza, chocolate, ice-cream, chocolate, wine, chocolate, pasta, chocolate, Thai, chocolate and hot fish and chips. Oh and did I mention chocolate!

  236. Ari Says:

    My favorite is potato chips and i am missing having bread.

  237. Donna Campbell Says:

    As a mother of six children, any food that I do not have to prepare is my favourite. LOL. Really though, a large slab of lasagne and salad with garlic bread on the side. i could eat this every week and still not get sick of it.

  238. Leah Says:

    I love mashed or potato bake, pasta such as beef ravioli with a tomato based sauce, yum cha (the steamed dishes) a nice hamburger and chips is always good, thai food and of coarse cheese, crakcers and a glass of wine. Although I am missing fruit at the moment especially with all of the beautiful summer fruits that are out.

  239. Duane Says:

    hi jeff ,
    my favs are white chocolate and beer, i miss my beer (no carb of course.) but i am sure i will get over that!!

  240. Carol-Lee Says:

    Any fruit – cherries, figs, apricots, peaches, nectarines, rockmelon and I also raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. I love them all. I always thought they were so good and healthy and now I am beginning to understand why my weight didn’t budge!

  241. YOKO Says:

    Muffins are my undoing…I now limit myself to a half when I have them and put the other half in the freezer.
    Most time I don’t bring them into the house to make it easier to not have them available when the craving surges!

  242. Chris Lynton Says:

    Some very good blogs keep it up! Can’t wait to show you how you can still have these…

    My favourite food is:
    Anything with rich penutty satay sauce. Chicken Kebabs, Chicken Satay Hamburgers, Thai Satay Stir Fry etc…

    Really love the rich, melted peanut flavour and the texture.

  243. Melanie Schlenner Says:

    Toasted Banana Bread is a favorite… I have noticed that I do not crave this anymore but I do still have big cravings for Fruit.. I keep fruit in the house for my kids to take to school they are little fruit bats….Have so much energy I love it…. PS my dogs also thank you, they are my little alarm clocks get me up at 5.00am every morning without fail… Even in the rain. Cheers

  244. Susan Griffiths Says:

    Hi geoff,
    My favorite meal is Lasagna and Garlic bread! I must admit I make the best! Why I love it…….it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it was a bit of a comfort food. Really nice on a cold winters night. Thanks to you, my tastes are starting to change with bodytrim, yey, about time! have a great day. 🙂

  245. ian david Says:

    i agree with susan
    love lasagna

  246. Sheena Says:

    I make awesome muffins, My fav is banana, weetbix and choc hip muffins, sounds like a funny mix but they are sooooo tasty and moist….i’d love to be able to eat these

  247. Louise Says:

    Hello BT team
    My favourite food is Chicken & Chips, potato chips. chocolate and red wine. Have a great day.

  248. Tui Says:

    My favourite food, how many can we name, I really enjoy eating a Quarter Pounder from McDs, love the chessey melt with the big beef patty taste in my mouth. Quite enjoy a good bag of patoto chips like any other person. Mashed potato haven’t had potato in soooooo long dn’t even miss them and the family seem to be coping without them as well. All the best for the challenge everyone!!

  249. Gail Says:

    my favorite food is fruit – especially mangoes – I really enjoy a mango smoothie. I have a weakness for chocolate and cashews.

  250. Bob Says:

    my favorite food is Chiken,cheese,diferent sorts or cakes.have a nice day.

  251. Kerri H Says:

    I dont know where to start with my favourite foods. Maybe some are not favourites but addictive and I cannot help myself when i am eating them. Well the addiction is chocolate and lollies. Once i start I cannot stop. I wish sometimes i didnt like them :(…..I love pasta any kind really, Potato chips, Chinese.Probably heaps more but cant think!!!

  252. Jan P Says:

    Oh my goodness, where do I start????
    Definately have to agree with Nardia….. Lasagne and buttery garlic bread.
    Pad Thai is also a firm favourite,
    As is pizza,
    Also chicken schnitzel,
    and Sweet and sour pork and fried rice…
    Better stop there.

  253. Shannon Says:

    Love stewed fruit and custard, especially apple, pear and peach homemade vanilla custard with eggs, real vanilla, milk and sugar.

  254. Teena Says:

    Since I have a bit of a sweet tooth and enjoy eating desserts. My favorites are Creme Brulee, Creme Caramel, Panna Cotta, and custard filled Profiteroles with dark chocolate on top. I love these desserts for their creamy, silky, smooth texture.

  255. Nicole Says:

    O.k. Like some of the other bloggers I have more than one favourite of sweet things Pancakes, peach sponge, milkshakes, apple pie just to name a few.

  256. Tracey Says:

    Lets see

    Chips both crisps but more so hot chips
    just about anything fried

  257. Lisa Jones Says:

    Thanks for tip 1

    I love biscuits and chips, the occassional choccie

    But got to keep focused.

    I am going to succeed!!!

  258. Sue L Says:

    I love our home made pizza’s in our wood fired pizza oven with a glass of red on a Friday night.

  259. Ian Says:


    My favourite would have to be pizza but not those silly faux pizzas from Dominos, Eagle Boys etc, no I am talking those real gourmet type pizzas with plenty on top and leaves you very nice and full!


  260. debra Says:

    I have many but fresh bread is hard to resist

  261. Hayley Fiegert Says:

    Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate!
    Also icecream with ice magic.

  262. Tammy Says:

    Hmmm it’s a tough question. Food – I love it!

    I think my favourite is potato in almost any form – baked, mashed, crisps (good old salt & vinegar), chips with gravy, potato bake.

    Yum, yum! Lucky I just had my protein snack & am not feeling hungry right now..

  263. Kerri-ann Says:

    Well I hope you pick my fav food because I love it on my cheat day. GARLIC PRAWNS with rice. I do eat them at lunchtime and I make it with carnation light and creamy milk not cream. And my next is a moist chocolate cake,cheesecake I love having it with my husband with a cup of tea. I think I miss this the most.

  264. Valentina Ball Says:

    Mmmmm Chocolate, hot chips and a plain hamburger mmmmm my month is watering alreday!

  265. Leo & Sue Says:

    Our favorite food’s would have to be Pizza, Lasagna, Nachos and ALL cheese.

  266. Leith Careless Says:

    Has to be chocolate. For my bithday all I wanted was a huge bag of smarties & a bottle of wine – what a day!!!!!

  267. Tanya M Says:

    chocolate, anything that has that yummy chocolate taste and cheese just love the texture.

  268. Gayle G Says:

    That’s easy. Here’s the top 10…
    Chicken chips
    Tim Tams
    McDonald’s sundaes
    chocolate ripple cake
    Boost bars
    Peanut/honey bars
    Magnum ice cream
    Scallop potatoes
    garlic bread

  269. Patricia Says:

    I love lemon meringue pie that i make myself. I substitute the sugar in the sponge base with splendor and the filling. If i substitute sugar in the meringue it goes rubbery so i leave the sugar in it.
    And I simply love marshmallows.

  270. Bec Says:

    Muesli with banana, yoghurt and honey because it’s such a great way to start the day!

    And then there’s nothing like an apple turnover with a good strong cup of coffee on a Sunday morning, pure enjoyment!

  271. Sandii Says:

    Oh Geoff,
    What have you done!! Now that I’m over my cravings for food that I really love, you ask us to remember them???? I love anything sweet and gooey – white chocolate cheesecake, pavlova, vanilla slices, Baskin & Robbins Love Potion No. 9 icecream, potato scallops, pecan pie, Krispy Kreme donuts – all of them and chocolate pudding (with the creamy centre) with lots of whipped cream and nuts. YUM

  272. Julie Says:

    Fresh baked bread and butter

  273. Gaynor Says:

    Home made Lasagne, Veal Parmigana and chips, am a real sweet tooth but surprisingly not craving chocolate that I love

  274. Kim Says:

    i love all pasta dishes, pizza, tim tams, wine & beer, cheese & crakers, cakes & pastries

  275. Lisa Says:

    I sooooo agree Julie. Fresh bread with butter…..my free day lunch was always fresh bread with Jarlsberg cheese and triple smoked ham laid on thick. God that was fantastic!!!!

  276. Karen G Says:

    Hi Geoff

    I have lots of favourite foods like, chocolate, lollies, ice cream, hot chips all the scrumy high fat, high cal foods. Luckily I can, to some extent, control the amount I eat, but all the same, would like to not have the cravings or better still, know how to make these foods so they fit the Bodytrim program.

  277. catalina Says:

    Hi my weakness is chesses and potatoes

  278. Mark Says:

    Dessert in particulat ice cream

  279. Mark Says:

    opps and also I really enjoy fish and chips and pineapple fritters

  280. Marty Says:

    Hi Geoff-
    I love anything with seafood! grilled, battered.. i love it !

  281. Vanessa Says:

    Definately freshly cooked hot chips with seasoning. Also fond of Cold Rock ice cream, pizza and cheese on biscuits with quince paste.

  282. Ronnie Says:

    Sorry but i love chocolate see what you can do with that. But i have started and doin fine only had 2 coffees yesterday and went for a long walk with my boy only protein meals so alls good

  283. Robyn K Says:

    I love icecream but have trouble stopping at one serve. Also love toast

  284. Felicity Says:

    I loveappricot chicken and also potato

  285. Vicki Says:

    favourite foods:
    ham and salad roll for lunch
    mangoes and bananas
    carrot cake

  286. Shirley Jones Says:

    I love anything chocolate, fried fish and chips

  287. Amy Says:

    I love chicken schnitzel, potatoe chips and ice-cream

  288. glenice Says:

    I looooove chocolate-especially 85% Lindt with Macadamias and ginger!!!
    And then there’s hot Cocoa, which I have super strong. I’m fairly lactose intolerant, so I usually have it with Extra-milky Soy as well–in a 500ml mug. Also love gluten-free CherryRipe Slices (Melinda’s Gluten Free Goodies brand) if I go to a Coffee Shop.
    Did my 1st Bodysculpt Workout this morning–so lolly-legged after!! Any tips? I’m 62, and recently recovered from major surgery following complications of my body’s reactions to Chemotherapy a couple of years ago. During recovery, I wasn’t allowed to do much, and put on the kgs–very distressing.I first started Bodytrim just after I’d finished Chemo, but I think all the steroids that accompany it had messed my metabolism, and it took me a year to lose 6kg. What the system did, though, was establish me in good eating habits(mostly–but see above). Now, I’ve embarked on the Bodysculpt program for the next 6 weeks. loving the group energy to help me. Cheers

  289. leanne Says:

    I have started having tabouli and tuna for lunch – just delicious. I just can’t give up the cereal and fruit in the morning but I am trying.
    Weight has been a nightmare for me for a long time so looking forward to this wonderful journey of change.

  290. Kylie Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Thanks for the challenge and the motivation that goes with it. Have just completed my first bodysculpt training session and loved it, now feel like I have extra energy. My favourite food is chocolate, any kind will do.
    Thanks again

  291. Ralf Says:

    My favorites would have to be Mash, come to think of it ANY kind of potatoe dish, especially my wife’s Smoked Salmon and potatoes salad.
    Also I have a weak spot for GOOD chocolate and Marzipan !!!
    Good being quality not GOOD for you !!!
    Thai Food
    Pasta all rate as well….

  292. Trisha Says:

    ohh hot chips do it for me and so does pizza

  293. Sal nas Says:

    pasta,choclate n lasagne…i luurrve lasagne!! and i cant start my day without my MOCHA!!!

  294. Sal nas Says:

    oh yeah COOKIES N CREAM ICECREAM as well!!

  295. WOBBIE Says:


  296. Trish Says:

    Chocolate and anything sweet every day.

  297. WOBBIE Says:

    biscuits and dip
    the occasional piece of toast n vegemite

  298. Gillian Freeman Says:

    Everything sweet – chocolates, carrott cake & cream, pikelets,jam & cream & jelly lollies. The list goes on. Must mention ice-cream.

  299. lisa Says:

    Cake, cake and cake – the denser the better!

  300. Ruth Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    My favourite foods would be hot chips with salt and pate and dips with a glass of nice wine!

  301. Christine Says:

    My favourite foods are fruit n nut chocolate and icecreams

  302. Penelope Says:

    Vanilla ICE CREAM It is the creamy smooth texture, I will eat until. Always ice cream in fridge since I can remember, but I can’t have it in the home now, except when I was having my free days. I have forced the local supermarket to check the back fridge when freezer was empty of my special brand. Please help me find a way to eat this in Body Sculpt.

  303. Rose Gomez Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    My real weakness has got to be my chai lattes closely followed by chocolate. Nibbles (cheeses,crackers,gerkins,olives,dips) with a glass of red on a Sunday afternoon are also really hard to pass up. But my biggest challenge with body trim is not being able to eat much fruit. I love fruit, especially chilled mango & watermelon on a hot summer afternoon.
    Regards, Rose.

  304. Margaret Says:

    mmmmmmm, Pav..lo..va.
    Potato Chips ( crisps), yoghurt,…
    so many I can’t think that fast.
    thank goodness I love meat too!
    So I dont think Im really missing out.

  305. jess Says:

    I love chocolate and ice cream! can’t believe I can actually go without it!

  306. Wendy Desbrow Says:

    Hi Geoff, just wanted to let you know your Cheat to Lose recipes are a life saver. I purchased BodySculpt when it first became available but put the box aside after quickly viewing the changes to nutrition.
    Variety is the spice of life and now you have given us just that and my husband and I are now going to power our way through the next 6 weeks. We also did our first bands session today and love how you have created the workouts so that they are so maintainable long term. Fantastic !!! even though my legs still feel like jelly (haha).
    Cheers, Wendy

  307. Rose Gomez Says:

    Hi Geoff.
    I’ve been going to the gym three times a week & doing a combination of boxing, spin, abs and circuit classes. Along with that I’ve been following the BT eating plan. My question for you is, while I’m participating in the 6 week challenge, should I stop going to the gym and just stick to the BS system? What do you recommend?
    Kind regards, Rose.

  308. Annie Pannie Says:

    Ooh this is torture reading all these!
    My faves:
    1.Noodles: spicy yummy Pad Thai and Asian noodle soups
    2.Pasta and risottos – I have so many to-die-for Italian recipes that are now OUT – it makes me sad!
    3. Pizza from my favourite pizza shop
    4. Wine – is that a food?
    5. CHEEEEESE (and olives and salami and pickies but probably some of these will be allowed) (excited to see I can have Haloumi on BS!)

  309. Mel Says:

    I could go without anything else, but god I miss home made gourmet pizza and sandwiches. There is nothing like fresh, soft white bread or delicious toasted turkish bread. Bread makes me feel sluggish and lethargic and I feel better for not eating it, but it is such comforting, convenient food!
    Oh well. I look hotter for not eating it! Ha ha!

  310. Mel Says:

    Hi Geoff
    Am I allowed to eat veggies with my protein as a snack? I made a chicken and veg stir fry last night and divided it into 6 portions which had around 100g of chicken in each as well as a decent serve of veg. I ate it pretty much all day (it was pretty yum, if I do say so!) not only for my main meals, but a couple of times as a snack. I made sure I ate something every 2-3 hours. I hate to say that I felt hungry for most of the day. Is this because I’m still weaning off my post carb (bread) binge of December and January, or because I’m eating carbs in the form of vegies during my snack times?

  311. Carol Says:

    My favourite food is hot crispy chips with plenty of salt and vinegar. Totally irresistible. It’s been months since I’ve indulged but if there was a way to eat them without enormous guilt and sense of failure, I would love it.

  312. Mellanie Says:

    Cheese, pate and crackers

  313. Kylie Says:

    i have a few as I am a long stanidng foodie, PIZZA ( we are putting a wood fired oven in your yard so need a cheat!!) of course wine to go with the pizza and chocolate (infact I am a veyr sweet tooth but it has been tame don body trim,

    cheers 🙂

  314. Peg Says:

    Yes like most a nice cold beer or glass of wine on a hot or cold day.

  315. marfy Says:


  316. krissy Says:

    Anything to do with potato, chocolate,cakes, cheesecake mmm.

  317. Linda Says:

    A woodfire pizza with nutella,icecream and strawberry deadly but yummy

  318. Nicky Says:

    I did not read everyones ‘fave’ foods…It was making me hungry!!

    Mine however, is without a doubt a bowl of home made fettuccini with shavings of pungent truffle, parmesan, butter and craqcked pepper.
    Cibo at North Adelaide did the best ever…no longer there> very sad. Very, very sad.

  319. Simone Davies-Brown Says:

    Do I really have to choose one?

    I’m with Geoff on a really nice hamburger and I love mine with lettuce, onion, bacon, egg and garlic mayonnaise – and yes, I’d like fries with that!

    My favourite fries – KFC of course!

    I have a weekness to things like cheesecake, mortil sin, chocolate, junkfood really but only if it’s accessable. If it’s not in the house, I won’t go and buy it.

    MMMMM my mouth is watering now – thanks Geoff 😉

  320. Elisa Says:

    My favorite foods are the little things like creamy sauces on a steak, toppings on desserts. They just make the food taste yummier.

    I like the cheats way cause you feel like your not missing out.

  321. maz Says:

    What can i say chocolate mmmmmm

  322. Teresa Says:

    I just love anything with carbohydrates I think lol. creamy italian dishes especially and i love my wine. I love most things but can’t seem to stop once the flavour hits my mouth…

  323. Hoode Says:

    I’m with all those other chocolate lovers. I am really having trouble staying away from those “Boost” bars on the lolly trolley at work. Thank goodness, I only have two days/week when faced with the temptation, because I can’t stop at one.

  324. Louise Says:

    I would have to say my fav foods are tomato based Italian pastas in particular lasagne, also love tacos and lebanese chicken kebabs with cheese, sweet chilli sauce & sour cream.

  325. Claire Says:

    Wine and cheese and bikkies and potato chips are my downfall

  326. Claire Says:

    Wine and cheese and bikkies and potato chips are my favourites!

  327. Cheryl Says:

    I started the bodytrim 21/2 weeks ago. i have not lost any weight but i do feel better. I have been having grilled meats with either salad or vegies for my main meals except breakfast which is usually 1 scrambled egg on wholemeal toast and my snacks are usually 100g beef or chicken. I am also drinking plenty of water and cordial (i alternate between the two each serve). I also go to the gym 5 days a week. I do have some muscle tone so i know that this will account for most of my weight but i have extra weight on my tummy, hips and thighs which i am desparate to loose. Any ideas on what else i can do?

  328. MARILYN MARCH Says:

    Oooohh – where do I start.
    1. Pistachio Ice-cream in a wafle cone – Norgen Vars
    2. Garlicky, creamy mashed pfotato
    3. Sav Blanc (does hat count),
    4. Maggie Beer Pate, Brie, Blue& white Castello cheese, crackers
    4. Lindt chocolate balls – matter of fact – all dark choccies, lollies
    5. Cashews, walnuts, pstachios
    6. All soups
    7. Oysters Florentine – Spinach Mornay oysters (I suppose in Sydney – haven’t lived there for a long while) Abolutely kill for these from The Oyster Bar at Glenelg here in Adelaide – absolute Heaven!!!!!!
    Stop now – I just love food full stop!
    Thank goodness BT came along or I would still be 86kgs after 26 years (67 now)
    Did we get ‘Cheat Recipes’ with the first issue of BS last year or am I confusing the info here?

  329. Deb Says:

    hamburger and hot chips will do it as my fav food!

  330. Kerrianne Says:

    I am with Claire! Nothing better than great cheeses meats crackers and good wine! Most other foods I am quite content to eat occasionally so I feel fortunate! But it is the cheese and wine that are the killer for me. Or ofcourse when you pick! A little of this and a little of that soon mounts up to too much! Snakes and Jelly babies you can put into that basket. Before you know it the packet is gone. Oh and Prawns done all ways!

  331. Leanne Says:

    my favourite is packet chips of any kind. I try not to buy them because I will devour the whole large packet ( even if my intention is to have small portions over a week or so).

  332. Tina Says:

    Favourites. Wow Potato chips, icecream, fettuccini, spaghetti and stirfries with rice.

  333. Lindy Says:

    OMG, that was a torture reading everyones favourite foods!!! I love Singapore Noodles, pizza, fettucine carbonara and anything with cheese in/on it!! Also I miss my champers!! 🙂
    NB. Who else thinks Geoff should have been nominated Australian of the Year?? Or knighted….Sir Geoff Jowett!! 🙂

  334. Tish Says:

    I would love to know how I can keep eating mums home made lasagna and Gnochi…I know I shouldn’t be eating but how can you seriously pass it up…..Love to know how we can have a WIN WIN 🙂

  335. Helen Says:

    my love is lollies, but I really don’t eat alot, just when I need a sugar fix.

  336. HENK Says:

    Hi Everybody !
    As a ( bad ) habit I eat 1 or 2 cookies with the black coffee in the morning and after dinner as well .
    I have done without them for a while but they do sneak back in , unfortunately .
    My favourite meal is Nasi Goreng with sate and peanut sauce , however I only eat this occasionally as a treat . I also enjoy a Sri Lankan Rice and Curry , which I eat once a week and which doesn’t affect the weight .
    I also enjoy a chocolate and a piece of cheese on a daily basis .

  337. Carolyn Says:

    Pizza!!! the gourmet kind… cheese & crackers… red wine….. hot chips….. schnitzel….. ohhh my mouth is watering!!

  338. Tess Says:

    At 10:29pm, having read this very tempting blog, I am ready for: pistachio nuts and a glass of very cold bubbly, and entree of fresh ravioli filled with fetta and pinenuts with a tomato and basil sauce served with a nz savingnon blanc, and main meal of lamb tenderloin served with grilled mushroom , crispy potato wedges and steamed greens and a glass or 2 of cab sav and finally- I’d love a dessert platter with a sample of flourless choc cake; creme brullee; tiramasu and baklava served with a glass of sticky white wine. i’d round out the meal with a cheese latter with king island cheddar; blue vein cheese and jindi bie with sides of dried fruits, nuts and an assorrment of crackers, coffee and(of course) a selection of swiss chocolates.
    Hang on…. I’ve had dinner….and supper….and ….I can’t wait to see how Geoff and team transfer these or any of the very edible ideas above.
    Good luck and best wishes to all with challenge.

  339. LIBBY Says:

    Good Cheese and Great Wine you just can’t beat them. I don’t even want the crackers.

  340. stacey Says:

    Hot chips and kitkat chunky,

    just came off nite shift and my morning (arfternoon for normal people) would normally start with a coke zero and kitkat!

    hmmm think i might need this!
    also pasta, cheese burgers, lemon chicken and …

    okay thats enough! im hungry now1

    Green tea it is!!!

  341. Ursula Says:

    Cheese & antipasto place with salami, olives & of course crackers Yum!

  342. Kathy R Says:

    It has to be chocolate!

  343. June Says:

    I am with you Tess.
    Love having my food and my wine.
    Can I still have my latte….as I miss that and do have one now and again. Also what about free days can you eat anything and drink anything? Because I do.
    I love cheese, wine
    Wedges and sour cream
    chicken stir frys

    Now I have to lose 6 kg before 27 March …daughters wedding. OOPS forgot the hens night 20 February …I think that will have to be a free weekend.
    Sorry Geoff


  344. Linda Says:

    My absolute downfall is bikkies and dip with lots of other goodies to go on top of the bikkies as well. Cracked Pepper Savoys are my fave with salami, olives, cheese-strong bitey tasty YUM! tomato, kabana – I could go on and on. The savvy blanc is never far away when I eat this either, naughty but oh so good after a long day at work.

  345. Jennifer Says:

    I love hommus (especially ALDI’s. I cant get enough of it. 🙂
    Also cereal in the morning.
    Day 4 – doing well, motivation still high.
    Thanks for giving attention to making enjoyable food management an achievable lifestyle.

  346. Michelle Quinsee Says:

    Funny….as I read everyones foods I thought…ya know what – I could take it or leave it… Not that I don’t like all those foods – but after eating low carb (on and off) for a few years now I REALLY don’t miss stuff like bread, rice and pasta.
    If I had to pick on food I would love to be able to include I think it would be Lemon/Lime/Citrus Cheesecake – and I am not even fussed about the biscuit base – just the cheesecake part 🙂

    • Michelle Quinsee Says:

      Well after reading through the cheat to succeed booklet – thanks guys!! – I can see that I can have my citrus cheesecake – woo hoo!!
      Doing the happy dance 😀

  347. Lindy Rattigan Says:

    Cremeaux D’Argental soft cheese and King Island Vintage Cheese with Pepperberry Lavosh – and of course, a glass of wine (or two)….

  348. Cherrie Says:

    Favorite food – there’s heaps to choose from. It would biscuits with a cuppa tea.

  349. sandy Says:

    My favourite food and totally weakness is chocolate. I love it, would eat it everyday if I could. It taste so goooooood.

  350. wendy Says:

    I just love a bowl of yoghurt, fresh fruit such as rock melon and then sprinkle with muesili, preferably toasted muesii!! YUMMM!!!

  351. Connie Says:

    i love pizza and garlic bread mmm

  352. Neville Says:

    Got my BS this morning.

    Ready to go for Monday

  353. Donna Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Cheese ( especially blue vein) and crackers, fruit…nectarines,mangos, nectarines, etc…olives….just to name the one that come to mind immediately.Probably lots more….

  354. Maree Says:

    i miss fruit and chocolate and Friday night red wine.

  355. dianne Says:

    I love cream, baked cheese cake and pizza. They are my greatest weaknesses

  356. Bernadette Says:

    Anything chocolate, in any form. I also love youghurt, especially the Tamar Valley yoghurt with fruit.

  357. Sue Says:

    I love homemade carrot cake

  358. Emerald Says:

    I love hot chips, but also really enjoy a bowl of fruit with yoghurt or icecream!!

  359. LINDA Says:

    I love homade schnitzel with my own crumb mix (breadcrumbs,parsley, garlic, parmesan cheese, and cracked black pepper) yum and also big sucker for processed meats ie: mortadella, and hot salami or any salami really!!!mmmmm

  360. Cazz Says:

    Ice cream and full cream milk with milo has to be the best.

  361. Claire Says:

    Ice Cream – its always been my favourite. I am surviving well without it on Bodytrim. Waiting for Bodysculpt to arrive!

  362. Bec Says:

    Yes i have to agree with Linda, I love schnitzel with my home made fried rice and peas, corn and carrot! Roast potatoes, pumpkins and parsnips, savoury shapes, chips and chocolate and definately white bread and yiros wraps.

  363. Wanda Says:

    Curries… Indian currys… WHY is this my favourite ?.. the smell, they make your mouth water form meters away.
    Next would be wild duck with homemade seasoning followed by Tassie scallops and Tassie crayfish (southern rock lobster). which are all delicious on there own or added to the mouth watering curries..

  364. Christine S Says:

    Definately lasagne, followed by pizza and almost anything with garlic on it

  365. Tanya Says:

    My absolute favourite food is more of a comfort food but I LOVE chocolate – any which way it comes. But I must say since being on Bodytrim for the last 4 weeks I have NOT had 1 chocolate & I DON’T MISS IT!!

  366. Faye Says:

    I love italian pasta, pizza with a glass of red

  367. Janette Blaby Says:

    I have only received my week one email I didn’t receive any other information that Geoff said to do befor starting the first week so I am very behind I have phoned in twice but am not getting any responce from the staff I am talking to can you please email me with what I should be doing I would like to get started

    Is it before I start the bodysculpt principles to do a 3 day protein.

    Chocolate / ice – cream morning noon and night and depression is a problem but I suppose if I’m eating this rubbish that wil happen

    • Wanda Says:

      I’m with you Janette, I also have no idea of what we should be doing. I need help also.. PLEASE don’t leave us behind. Can someone email us?????

  368. Kathleen Says:

    Bread would be my biggest weakness, closely followed by wine, pasta, rice, asian foods, Tirimasu and of course Pavlova. Thankfully I am not a great lover of Chocolate.

  369. Robyn Straw Says:

    I am in the same boat I also have no idea of what we should be doing I am so keen to start (or have started) but have not got any emails from Geoff Please tell me what to do, as I have only had the newsletter which has no information in it about the challenge Can someone email us??? Don’t leave us behind Thank you.

  370. Priscilla Says:

    My weakness is chocolate and ice-cream
    I LOVE my cheese with a nice glass of crisp sauvignon blanc

  371. Janis Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    I would have to say I have lots of favourite foods, chocolate, salty potato chips and best of all toasted banana bread (with a skinny flat white)….
    Thanks I look forward to the Bodysculpt challenge.

  372. Kathy Says:

    savouries like cheese and bickies, Maggie Beer paste and turkish bread.

  373. Kylie Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    My weakness is definitely in the evenings after dinner. I love to have a cup of tea and something sweet to eat. This is usually a bit of chocolate or a biscuit. I try to keep it to a little each night then I don’t crave it. Also, being a mother of 3, I need a wine. Not every night, but from Friday to Sunday I will have 1-2 glasses each night and sometimes in between.

  374. gayle Says:

    bread. fresh white bread with vegemite

  375. Heidi Says:

    I’m guilty of not eating a ‘meal’ until the evening, drinking Feel Good iced coffee constantly to keep hunger pains at bay and turning to chocolate to pick me up when I have no energy. Everything I shouldn’t be doing!
    I love drinking champagne while eating grain wave chips with sundried tomato and cashew dip at the end of a long week!

  376. WOJO Says:

    Trifle for me. Lots of sherry,cake,jelly, custard and cream.

    Roast veges with loads of gravy.

  377. joanne Says:

    I love wedges,sausage rolls are my real downfall,and I love just a few times a year hungry jacks (I know evil) but when I have it I love it.

  378. Tanzie Says:

    ice cream…ice cream…ice cream…ice cream 🙂

  379. julie Says:

    Let’s just say that I love all food that is not so good for us. Whether it be ice cream, sweets, pizza, chocolates the list goes on. I also love my skim cappuccino’s. No wonder I need your help – the tummy has got to go.

  380. Buddie Says:

    I love french fries, Pizza and Subway, so the last one is not so bad. BUT I also ahve a very sweet tooth and love chocolate, cakes and lollies and everything else that comes underthis banner.
    Is it anywonder I have a weight problem. LOL

  381. Lee Says:

    PAVLOVA!!! and Chip Butties – hot chips & chicken salt on white bread with so much butter it runs down my hands… oh dear…

  382. Cheryl Says:

    I would have to say that my favourite food is Chicken Parma yum!
    Also have a soft spot for potato chips.

  383. Melonie Says:

    My Favourite food is Toasted Ham & Cheese Sandwich and, Salt and vinegar chips.

  384. Jayne Says:


  385. Doris Says:

    Absolutely a sucker for any cake fav Tiramisu and Baked White Chocolate cheesecake or Shortbread Cream biscuits with a cuppa.
    I actually have to go the other way or miss the aisle to avoid temptation.


  386. Kristina Says:

    My favourite food would have to include potato bake, pizza, lasagne I guess anything smothered in cheese.

  387. Robdog Says:

    really miss eating pasta and rice dishes.

  388. Kerrie Says:

    I love mango’s

  389. Kerrie Says:

    love mango’s, salad and falafel roll ups, used to be chocolate but hate how I feel after it, so easy to give it a miss now

  390. megan Says:

    chips and dip or crackers and dip!!! 😦

  391. Shirley Littlemore Says:

    Cannot decide!!
    Ice cream

  392. Karen Parkinson Says:

    cheese and crackers or dip and of course a nice glass of red!

  393. Lisa Says:

    wine is my downfall …. and bread … i miss bread!!

  394. Carmel Smith Says:

    Ice Cream.
    Bread (the fresher the better!!)
    Pasta. (I have an Italian heritage to thank!)
    Coffee and Cake. yum yum.
    Better stop there………

  395. Charlotte Miesnieks Says:

    My favourite foods are dark chocolate, cake, cheesecake, cheese, and anything made with nuts and coconut. Also Turkish Delight.

  396. Kath Says:

    Favourite foods? How about just good food in general?
    An ideal meal would be;

    Entree: Seared scallops
    Main: Thai chilli beef salad
    Dessert: cheese platter/antipasto

    Considering this is to be a way of life (ie no carbs) I must confess that I am REALLY going to miss beer and pizza!

  397. Deb K Says:

    Jeepers Geoff…Bodytrim has honed my cravings for only the “really” good naughty things and have actually been very surprised that since starting the bodysculpt challenge that I can actually walk down the chocolate , icecream, yummy cake , fresh crusty bread aisle (albeit with great difficulty!)and not succumb..almost! Good Girl: declined the free Valentines Day chocolate baci! Bad Girl:Very small free gelato tasting aaaggh!

  398. Patricia Says:

    I Love Home made Biscuits and cakes, well just about any rubbish really.

  399. Kylie Says:

    ice cream, white chocolate, cream….. ummmm love it 🙂

  400. Judy D Says:

    I simply love rice and curries, pastas, roasts, pavlova, chips, tasty cheeses….

  401. Criss Says:

    Hi , I just love food, I have millions ,as I love being a chef, blue vein cheese yum, all my kids love it also.
    I must amit I love pasta with fresh herbs & cream base sauces.
    So I do miss these yummies but no cabs on BS hey.

  402. Kate Says:

    Hi, I love to eat something sweet when i get home from work – chocolate or a biscuit with my coffee.

  403. Kylie Says:

    Hi Geoff,
    Only just received week 1 ,2 ans 3 e-classes, so I’m a bit behind…
    My favourite foods are pumpkin, red wine, chocolate and ice-cream.

  404. Kylie Says:

    I love Burritos from Zambrero’s!!!! I also love pastas and chocolate! oh and cheese with biscuits!!

    The list goes on but they are my weakness!!

  405. Valda Says:

    Cheese any variety I just love it especially with some fresh crusty bread and a glass of Merlot …mmm and then there’s dried fruit and nuts I can’t stop when I get started

  406. Ann Norman Says:

    Swiss cheese. Pepper jatz with atipasto mix. Just love plain Peters Drumsticks..hard to stop at one. Always picking at fresh nuts (kept in the fridge) usually Brazils or almonds. Hard to stop at one small handfull.
    Favourite meal when out is Thai combined seafood with coconut sauce, basil, garlic & chilli served with plain boiled rice with broccoli & cauliflower segments.
    Very pleased to see that nuts & swiss chees are “allowed” in portion size with BS for snacks

  407. Miss Jayne Says:

    I love lollies, cake and ice cream and once Istart I find it very hard to stop.

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  409. Jodie stewart Says:

    7 years later and I start bodytrim, I have lost 6.5kg and feel so alive. I really like a copy of cheap to loose, anyone got it still. I was into 5 weeks before I found out there a new bodytrim system, but decided to stick to the old version. I got the body sculpt too. So glad I found this site. It have helped fill in the gaps. If anyone does have the book could you please email to jodiestewart_81@msn.com. If Geoff ever reads this. I just want to say ” thank you”

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